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这个案件是一部中国版、真人秀的好莱钨惊险大片的现成剧本,领衔主演男一号是腰缠万贯的中国对外建设总公司深圳分公司老总姚传锐,女一号是楚楚动人,“有情有义”的情妇刘倩。联合主演是有勇有谋的姚老总的侄儿姚伟、侄女婿戴宏、见钱眼开的“干儿子”李晓雷等一干人马。他们联手演出了一幕惊险刺激,跌宕起伏、令人唏嘘的真人版劫法场的活闹剧。而外景地又在中国3个著名的大城市:深圳是男女主人公发生艳遇的地方,北京是主要情节展开的场所,天津是两人同赴监狱、洒泪离别的伤心地。这个故事的情节更是引人入胜,贪腐干部姚传锐在双规后策反了看守他的保安李晓雷,将其认作干儿子。李晓雷打电话通知刘倩赶紧营救姚传锐,姚传锐的侄子姚伟住进与姚传锐同楼层的房间化妆侦察。他们精心设计了四套周密的劫夺方案,并成功营救出姚传锐。但犯罪者最终功亏一篑,在天津开往上海的火车上,姚传锐和营救他的众人纷纷落网,其他众“营救者”也相继被捕。这是我国第一例发生在“双规”期间的劫夺案。这个案件很精彩。不,是相当精彩。不过,精彩的背后,还有我们深深的慨叹。 This case is a Chinese version, reality show Hollywood Torah thrills of the ready-made script, starring the male lead is overwhelming, China Construction Corporation Shenzhen Branch CEO Yao Chuanrui, the female No. 1 is lovely, “ Meaning ”mistress Liu Qian. Co-starring Yao Yong has the courage to seek the nephew of Yao, niece-Dai Dai, see the eyes open “dry son ” Li Xiaolei and other people. They partnered to make a live-action farce, a thrilling, up-and-down, marvelous live-action edition. The location is again in the three famous big cities in China: Shenzhen is the place where the hero and heroine have an affair. Beijing is the place where the main plot is going. Tianjin is the saddest place to go to jail and parting with tears. The plot of this story is even more fascinating. The corrupt official Yao Chuan-rui defended his security guard Li Xiaolei after his dual-tiered rule and regarded it as a proper son. Li Xiaolei call Liu Qian quickly rescue Yao Chuanrui, Yao Chuanrui’s nephew Yao Wei live in and Yao Chuanrui same floor of the room makeup scouting. They carefully designed four well-planned robbery programs and successfully rescued Yao Chuan-rui. However, the culprit finally fell short of success. On the train bound for Shanghai from Tianjin, Yao Chuanrui and all the people who rescued him were arrested. Other “rescuers” were also arrested. This is the first case of robbery that took place during the “double regulations” in our country. This case is wonderful. No, it’s amazing. However, behind the wonderful, there is our deep lament.
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