第十八讲 蕹菜(二)

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三、主要栽培技术 (一)旱地栽培繁殖种子的蕹菜,一般采用露地播种。大田直播前,每亩施腐熟堆肥2500kg,或人粪1500kg作基肥,平整土地,耙细。上海地区一般在4-10月分期分批播种,每亩播种子10kg,播种后进行浅耙,使泥土覆盖种子;或者于3月中下旬播种育苗,5-7天出苗,苗期追施1-2次稀粪水,4月中下旬当苗高15-20cm时定植大田;也可在越冬老株或播种蔓茎长33cm左右时,选节间短叶大的植株摘梢15-50cm,具有6-7节的茎蔓作插条,按照株穴15-20cm见方,每穴插2-3株,将茎蔓斜插入土中4—5节,深约6-7cm,压紧表土,留2-3节叶片露出地面,每天浇水1次,3-4天后成活。每亩种植4000-5000穴。 直播、育苗移栽或扦插成活后,结合中耕除草亩施人粪1500kg,以后每3-5天浇清水粪1次。直播、育苗移栽的,约1.5-2个月可采收,第一次采收要留基部2-3节;扦插的1个月后即可采收嫩梢供食用,第一次采摘也留基部2-3节,每次采摘后,需等2-3天伤口愈合后,再追施一次粪水。蕹菜封袭后不便进行除草和中耕,因此要及时拔除田间杂草。蕹菜的管理要采取早栽植,多施肥,勤采摘的原则。 (二)水田栽培 宜选择排灌两利,向阳肥沃的田块栽培,定植或扦插后要保持5-8cm水层,雨天注意排水,追肥以氮肥为主。上海地区水栽较少,故不详细阐述。 (三)无土栽培 Third, the main cultivation techniques (a) Dryland cultivation and propagation of the seeds of Brasenia schreberi, generally open-field seeding. Before the broadcast of Daejeon, 2500 kg of composted soil was applied per acre, or 1500 kg of human manure was used as a base fertilizer to smooth the land and rake finely. Shanghai in general from April to October in batches sowing, sowing seeds per acre 10kg, sowing after shallow rake, so that the soil cover seeds; or sowing seedlings in mid to late March, 5-7 days seedling, seedling topdressing 1 -2 times dilute manure, in late April when the seedling height 15-20cm when planting the field; old winter can also be sown or sown about 33cm long stems, the selection of large short-leaf plant tip 15-50cm, With 6-7 stalks of stems cuttings, according to 15-20cm square Zhuang Fang, inserted 2-3 per hole, the stem is inserted obliquely into the soil 4-5, about 6-7cm deep, compacting the topsoil, Leave 2-3 leaves to reveal the ground, watering once a day, 3-4 days after surviving. 4000-5000 acre per acre planting. Live, nursery transplanting or cutting survival, combined with cultivating weeds Mushi 1500 kg manure, after every 3-5 days of water dung 1 time. Live, seedling transplanting, about 1.5-2 months can be harvested, the first harvest to keep the base 2-3; cuttings after 1 month to harvest fresh shoots for food, the first pick also Leave the basal 2-3, after each picking, to wait 2-3 days after wound healing, and then chase a manure. It is inconvenient to carry out weeding and cultivating after weeding, so it is necessary to remove field weeds in time. Tridacna management should take the early planting, more fertilizers, ground picking principles. (B) paddy field cultivation should choose two kinds of irrigation and drainage, sunny cultivation of fertile plots, planting or cutting to maintain 5-8cm water layer, pay attention to rainy days, top dressing to nitrogen-based. Less hydroponics in Shanghai, it does not elaborate. (C) soilless culture
在竹荪生长季节的5月或9月,将长出土的竹荪菌盖上的孢子粘液(俗称鸡屎盖),洗入干净的清水或冷水中,做成孢子悬浮液。将悬浮液撤入不长竹荪或长竹荪很 In May or September