
来源 :中国抗生素杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:onlymiss
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本文系统地报道了头孢拉定、头孢氨苄、头孢羟氨苄在ODS C_(18)色谱柱中的保留行为;头孢拉定的容量因子(K’)最大,头孢氨苄的容量因子居中,头孢羟氨苄的容量因子最小;色谱过程中系统的焓变(△H)<0,logK’和柱温(T)呈线性关系;在甲醇和乙腈两种强溶剂系统中,实验范围内logk’和流动相中强溶剂浓度呈线性关系,乙腈对logk’的影响较甲醇大;流动相的pH通过影响头孢菌素的离子化程度改变头孢菌素的保留行为。 The retention of cefradine, cephalexin and cefadroxil in ODS C_ (18) column was systematically reported in this paper. The capacity factor (K ’) of cefradine was the largest, the capacity factor of cefalexin was the middle, and the capacity factor of cefadroxil was the smallest ; The enthalpy change (△ H) <0, log K ’and the column temperature (T) of the system were linear in the chromatographic process. In the two strong solvent systems of methanol and acetonitrile, logk’ in the experimental range and the concentration of strong solvent in the mobile phase The linear relationship between acetonitrile and logk ’was greater than that of methanol. The mobile phase pH changed cephalosporin retention by affecting the degree of ionization of cephalosporins.
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