A simple and inexpensive method for muddy shore profiling

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbenz
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There are several well-established methods for obtaining beach profiles,and more accurate and precise high-tech methods are emerging.Traditional low-cost methods requiring minimal user skill or training are still popular among professionals,scientists,and coastal zone management practitioners.Simple methods are being developed with a primary focus on sand and gravel beaches.This paper describes a simple,low-cost,manual field method for measuring profiles of beaches,which is particularly suitable for muddy shores.The equipment is a type of flexible U-tube manometer that uses liquid columns in vertical tubes to measure differences in elevation;the supporting frame is constructed from wooden poles with base disks,which hold measuring scales and a PVC tube.The structure was trialed on a mudflat characterized by a 20-40-cm-thick surface layer of silt and clay,located at the Kutubdia Island,Bangladesh.The study results are discussed with notes on the method’s applicability,advantages and limitations,and several optional modifications for different scenarios for routine profiling of muddy shores.The equipment can be used by one person or two people,and the accuracy of the method is comparable to those in other methods.The equipment can also be used on sandy or gravel beaches. There are several well-established methods for obtaining beach profiles, and more accurate and precise high-tech methods are emerging.Traditional low-cost methods requires minimal user skill or training are still popular among professionals, scientists, and coastal zone management practitioners.Simple methods are being developed with a primary focus on sand and gravel beaches. This paper describes a simple, low-cost, manual field method for measuring profiles of beaches, which is particularly suitable for muddy shores. The equipment is a type of flexible U- tube manometer that uses liquid columns in vertical tubes to measure differences in elevation; the supporting frame is constructed from wooden poles with base disks, which hold measuring scales and a PVC tube. The structure was trialed on a mudflat characterized by a 20-40- cm-thick surface layer of silt and clay, located at the Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh. The study results are discussed with notes on the method’s applicability, advantages and lim itations, and several optional modifications for different scenarios for routine profiling of muddy shores. The equipment can be used by one person or two people, and the accuracy of the method is comparable to those in other methods. equipment can also be used on sandy or gravel beaches.
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