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道德,是一个民族的灵魂,也是塑造一个人健全人格的基础。当代青少年道德素质的优劣直接关系到国家的未来,民族的发展。但是,当今德育工作的现状并不十分乐观,今天的德育有些已经完全脱离了实际,被束之高阁。因此,学校教育工作者应该把德育工作贯穿于学校教育教学工作的全过程,并渗透到智育、体育、美育和劳动教育之中以及学生学习生活的各个方面。这就对教师自身提出了更高的要求,不仅要以身作则,为人师表,还要充分发挥各科课堂教学的德育功能。一、教师要提升自我,以身作则“师者,所以传道授业解惑也。”我国古代伟大的教育家韩愈已经对教师这一职业给出了经典的定义:老师是传授道理,传授学业,解释疑难的人。他把 Morality is the soul of a nation and the basis for shaping a person’s personal character. The pros and cons of the moral quality of contemporary youth is directly related to the future of the country and the development of the nation. However, the status quo in moral education today is not very optimistic. Some of today’s moral education has been completely detached from reality and has been shelved. Therefore, school educators should carry out the work of moral education throughout the whole process of school education and teaching and infiltrate into all aspects of intellectual, sports, aesthetic and labor education as well as students’ study and life. This puts forward higher requirements for teachers themselves, not only by example, but also by giving full play to the moral education function of all subjects in classroom teaching. First, teachers should promote themselves and lead by example. “Teachers, so preaching is also puzzled.” Han Yu, a great ancient Chinese educator, has given a classic definition of the profession as a teacher: the teacher is teaching the truth and teaching Explain difficult people. he did
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