The Creation and Production of Multimedia Scene Play-A Famous General of one Generation Zuo Zongtang

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  【Abstract】Take the creative process of multi-media melodrama, A Famous General of one Generation Zuo Zongtang as an example, this article introduces the multimedia scene theater design and manufacturing.
  【Key Words】multimedia technology; projection technology; scene effect; theater design
  As a projection technology, it is used in wider fields now, especially in multimedia creation.
  1 Development of Video Projection Technology and Changes in Projectors and Projection Screens
  1.1 Video Projection
  From a single slide to many slides; from hard matching to soft matching
  From low brightness to high brightness
  From low resolution to high resolution
  1.2 The Diversification of Projection Screens
  From flat screens to specially-shaped screens to specially-shaped objects
  Flat screens to curve screens to ring screens to spherical curtain
  Water screens, fog screens, smoke screens
  Specially-shaped screens (specially-shaped objects)
  2 Design of Multimedia Scene Play A Famous General of One Generation Zuo Zongtang
  Applying the reflection technology in video projection----Spectra Vision
  A ratio of 1:1 for the spectra vision and the real person
  Interaction between the vision and the actors
  Interaction between the vision and the audience
  Setting the study and the the place where a visitor was received in Zuo Zongtang’s era
  The audience can have a field visit on the spot
  Coming outside in the courtyard to see what happened indoor
  Time Traveling can make the host and vision of Zuo Zongtang display the historical story together
  Space organizing of the scene play
  Touring route for the audience; the design sketch
  The stage and the grandstand are built in full accordance with the real scenario
  3 Design and Arrangement of Multimedia Scene Play
  3.1 The basic principle of 1:1 ratio for the spectra vision and the real person
  3.2 Lighting design for the scene play
  Sound design for the scene play
  Sectional drawing for the scene play
  3.3 Keying and production of 3D film about figures and plots in the early stage
  Camera position, size and position of props and lighting position are the same as in the screen play; Shooting the keying footage of high definition 3D film of 2K
  3.4 Installation, integration and adjustment of live video, lighting, sound and control system
  3.5 3D spectra vision based on 3D technology
  Vertical letter out of the screen
  Combination of image and live action
  3D Bowl fragments out of the screen
  The warship Evergreen out of the screen
  Collision between the warship Liao Ning and the shipboard aircraft
  Real person entering into the scene
  Real person displaying the fan on which the image person wrote calligraphy
  Real person getting out of the screen to display the fan on which the image person wrote calligraphy
  Photo time for real person and the image person
  4 Development Trend of Multimedia Scene Play
  Interaction and diversification
AKG超级参考耳机K812为全新设计,采用磁感强度达1.5T的超强磁体系统,直径53 mm的超大换能器,双层超轻镀铜铝制音圈。多项革命性技术带来了能量充足的最纯净自然的声音。K812具有超越同类的最敏捷的频率响应速度,频响范围远超人类听觉极限,高频达到54 kHz,低频下潜到5 Hz。K812为全开放式耳机,采用了超轻量设计,万向悬挂系统和3D裁剪人体工学耳罩,佩戴贴合舒适,即使长时间使用也不会有
2010年,国际电工委员会制定的IEC 61508标准《电气/电子/可编程电子安全系统的功能安全》(2010版)正式生效。此后,欧洲强制规定:电视台及所有演出场所,在观众席上方使用的舞台机械与自动控制系统,必须符合IEC 61508规定的SIL 3(安全完整性等级)标准。此外,吊挂系统及使用还须符合《产品安全法》、《机械指令》、BGV C1(《德国娱乐产业舞台和制作设施事故预防标准》)等多项法规和
2013年11月13日~12月1日,伦敦大剧院(London Coliseum)上演了意大利剧作家普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)创作的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》。这是该剧院在2005年之后又一次将这部剧目搬上舞台,在特殊的舞美环境中,灯光设计在有限的条件下得到了精美的设计效果。笔者拜访了该剧灯光设计师彼得·曼福特(Peter Mumford),小谈该剧灯光创作的构思和过程。  在3个半小时的历史悲
各位来宾,女士们、先生们:  大家上午好!  今天,来自海内外从事多媒体音视频技术的创意设计、应用人员,以及演艺领域的专家、设计师、工程师、企业家等多方嘉宾汇聚一堂,围绕“多媒体音视频设备技术在演艺中的应用”这一主题进行交流、探讨,为中国演艺技术的进步与发展献计献策。在此,我谨代表文化部文化科技司对论坛的举办表示热烈的祝贺!  网络化、信息化的飞速发展,促进了艺术与科技的深度交融,也带来了不同技术
【摘 要】介绍了娱乐场所可视化应用解决方案的新趋势,娱乐场所音频视频系统的核心利益点,并给出了投资音视频系统 需要考量的要素。  【关键词】娱乐场所;多媒体;音视频系统  文章编号:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8239.2014.06.008  1 娱乐场所使用音频视频设备的主要推动力  一个主题公园、体育场、旅馆、赌场或任何类型的娱乐场所或景点,它们拥有同样的目标和类似的视听需求。 
【Abstract】The author analyed the advantages and disadvantages of the multimedia technology form used in stage art design with LED screen, LED pixel strip, LED pixel lamp and projector. He also introdu
【摘 要】通过测试,解析一款光束电脑灯的构成、功能及其特点。  【关键词】超窄光束灯;空中视觉效果;电脑灯;测评;Osram Sirius HRI 230;峰值型光束  文章编号:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8239.2014.03.003  Chauvet Professional Legend 230SR Beam  Original / [USA]Mike Wood Transl
【Abstract】The paper discussed how the new technology change the performance art in the field of performance concepts, forms, vocabulary and interactive experience. The author also introduce the plays
【摘 要】以多媒体情景剧《一代名将左宗棠》的创作过程为例,介绍多媒体情景剧场的设计与制造。  【关键词】多媒体技术;投影技术;场景效果;剧场设计  文章编号:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8239.2014.06.011  多媒体技术(Multimedia Technology)是运用计算机对文字、图像、动画、声音、视频等多种信息进行综合处理,并且将这些信息和人们的感官进行交流互动的技术
【摘 要】德国霍阿克焊接技术公司与瑞典视觉行为技术公司合作开发了“视觉行为—霍阿克车台系统”,将模拟、激光 导航技术成功应用于移动车台中,并使控制系统能够兼容这两种技术。  【关键词】舞台;车台;多维度;模块;控制台  文章编号:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8239.2014.03.012  Visual Act – Hoac? Wagon System  Original/[GER]