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7月22日,来访的英国首相托尼·布莱尔在清华大学与学生进行了有趣的圆桌对话。此时正值本期杂志交厂付印之际。为使广大读者尽快了解到对话的内容,编辑部即刻决定撤换版面,改登对话的主要内容。这次对话气氛热烈活跃,引起了很好的反响。虽然们不完全同意布莱尔首相对话中的某些观点,但从中我们还是可以领略其沉着机敏的领袖风采,更可感觉到清华学子宽广跃动的思维和对祖国、对人类的关切之心。就语言本身而言,这是一次典型的口语性交流,相信此对话对渴望将所学语言知识用于实际交流的读者会大有裨益。由于版面有限,加之本篇对话语言相对简单,故我们就不再配相应的中译文了。 On July 22, visiting British Prime Minister Tony Blair conducted an interesting roundtable dialogue with students at Tsinghua University. At this time, it is the time when the current magazine is handed over to the factory for printing. In order to make readers quickly understand the content of the dialogue, the editorial department immediately decided to replace the layout and re-enter the main content of the dialogue. The atmosphere of this dialogue was very lively and aroused a good response. Although we do not fully agree with some of Blair’s first words, we can still appreciate its calm and astute leaders’ charisma, and we can also feel the broadly moving thinking of Tsinghua students and their concern for the motherland and humankind. As far as the language itself is concerned, this is a typical oral communication. It is believed that this dialogue will be of great benefit to readers who are eager to use the knowledge of the language they have learned for practical communication. Due to the limited layout and the relative simplicity of the dialogue language in this article, we no longer have the corresponding Chinese translation.
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