
来源 :中国纪检监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingjing2011
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中央派专员巡视反腐,古已有之,各朝制度也各具特色,其中较为严密完备的是明代巡按御史制度。巡按御史制度对保证明前期地方吏治的清明,维护中央集权和社会稳定起到重要作用。延至明中后期,这一制度却在发展中走向了一条从膨胀到败坏的不归之路,巡按御史的权力失去监督和制约,监察作用几乎失效。明代巡按御史制度从盛到衰的过程发人深思,其中的经验和教训对我们有着深刻的启示和借鉴意义。明代巡按御史制度的特点明代巡按御史制度的确立,吸取了历史上特别是汉代的经验,效法其“以小制大、以卑临尊”的监察体制,以七品御史纠劾地方所有官员,包括位居二、三品的三 The inspections by the Central Commissioners on anti-corruption have existed for a long time and the systems in the DPRK and the DPRK have their own characteristics. Among them, the system closely patrolled by the Ming Dynasty was the system of censors. The patrolling of the censorial system played an important role in ensuring the clean administration of local officials in the pre-Ming period, maintaining centralization of authority and social stability. In the late Ming Dynasty, the system went to a non-return road from expansion to corruption in development. The power of patrolling the census lost its supervision and restriction, and its monitoring function almost lapsed. In the Ming Dynasty, the system of patrolling imperial civilissues came into contemplation from the prosperous to the decadent, and the experiences and lessons from it all have profound enlightenment and reference for us. The Ming Dynasty patrols the characteristics of the Imperial Examination System The Ming Dynasty patrolled the establishment of the Royal Census system, drawing on the history, especially the Han Dynasty’s experience, to follow its “small system, to base progenitor” monitoring system, History corrects all local officials, including two, three products of the three
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