
来源 :国外油田工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmy870129
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本文阐述了原苏联注浓硫酸提高原油采收率的室内研究和矿场试验结果。1971~1986年的15年期间,原苏联鞑靼油田总共通过491口注入井向油层注入了44.84万t硫酸。据原苏联的报导,所有注硫酸的井,至今没有发现硫酸突进到采油井井底现象,也没有发现采出原油的质量有明显变化,而注硫酸的经济效益也很高。计算表明,注一吨硫酸可增产150~200t原油,注入成本只占收益的1%左右。本文还引述了注浓硫酸提高采收率的机理、应用条件和注硫酸工艺及防腐措施。本文认为注浓硫酸提高原油采收率的方法是可行的,硫酸的腐蚀问题不是该项技术应用的障碍,并建议石油天然气总公司组织开展硫酸驱油的研究。 This article describes the laboratory research and field test results of the former Soviet Union to concentrate concentrated sulfuric acid to enhance oil recovery. During the 15 years from 1971 to 1986, a total of 448,400 tons of sulfuric acid were injected into the reservoir through a total of 491 injection wells in the former Soviet Tartar field. According to the report of the former Soviet Union, all sulfuric acid injection wells have so far found no breakthrough of sulfuric acid into the bottom of oil production wells and found no significant changes in the quality of the crude oil taken. The economic benefits of injection of sulfuric acid are also high. Calculations show that a ton of sulfuric acid injection can increase 150 ~ 200t crude oil, injection costs accounted for only about 1% of revenue. This paper also quoted the mechanism of injection of concentrated sulfuric acid to enhance recovery, application conditions and injection of sulfuric acid process and anti-corrosion measures. In this paper, the method of injecting concentrated sulfuric acid into crude oil recovery is considered feasible. The problem of sulfuric acid corrosion is not an obstacle to the application of this technology. It is suggested that CNPC should organize the research on sulfuric acid flooding.
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