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自治区第九次党代会报告明确提出,要大力调整优化经济结构,加快转变经济发展方式,按照巩固提高第一产业、优化提升第二产业、发展壮大第三产业的总体定位,大力加强现代产业体系建设,全面提高经济综合发展水平。一、坚持现代农牧业发展方向,巩固提高第一产业(一)我区农牧业发展已经具备的良好基础。自治区始终把农牧业发展放在重要位置来抓,认真落实强农惠农政策,稳定完善基本经营制度,大力加强基 The report of the Ninth Party Congress clearly states that we must vigorously readjust and optimize the economic structure and accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development. We will vigorously step up the overall orientation of consolidating and enhancing the primary industry, optimizing and upgrading the secondary industry, and developing and expanding the tertiary industry, and vigorously strengthen the modern industry System construction, comprehensively improve the level of economic development. First, adhere to the direction of the development of modern agriculture, animal husbandry, and consolidate and improve the primary industry (A) the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in our region already have a good foundation. The autonomous region has always placed the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in an important position and conscientiously implemented the policy of benefiting agriculture by benefiting agriculture and benefiting from it. We have steadily improved the basic management system and strengthened the base
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《Visual Basic 6.0程序设计》是中等职业学校对口高考的一门重点课程,是程序初学者的入门性语言,知识点琐碎众多,具有很强的理论性,并且还要求学生具有很强的实践能力,这给V
物理学几乎所有的学术带头人都被捕处死,农学院院长、农业化学、植物保护等研究所的领导人也相继被秘密处死…… Almost all academic leaders in physics were arrested an
在Gleeble-1500D热模拟试验机上采用等温压缩试验研究了高锰奥氏体Fe-25Mn-3Si-3Al TWIP钢在变形温度为900~1100℃,变形速率为0.01~1 s-1条件下的热变形行为。研究结果表明,F