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石嘴山市于上世纪60年代建市,是一个因煤而兴、因煤而建的典型的煤炭资源型工业城市。通过40年的发展,该市已逐步成为区域性的政治、经济、文化中心,是西北地区重要的能源、原材料工业基地。在石嘴山市的发展过程中,煤炭产业始终占据着主导地位,深刻地影响着石嘴山市的发展。近年来,随着煤炭资源的日渐枯竭,石嘴山市要应对的各种难题趋于明显,发展接替产业的任务日趋紧迫。其紧迫性主要表现在:一是煤炭开采应对的限制因素越来越多。二是产业结构单一,企业缺乏市场竞争力。三是财政增收渠道不宽,财税增长机制还没有完全建立起来。四是生态环境问题越来越严重。五是就业和再就业形势严峻,社会稳定问题日趋严重。六是城矿体系不顺。这些问题使石嘴山市这个宁夏产业工人最集中的地方,逐步成为宁夏经济后续发展的“特困区”和宁夏城市贫民最集中的城市。随着自治区煤炭开发由北向南转移和宁东 Shizuishan City was built in the 60s of last century, is a typical coal resource-based industrial city built by coal and built by coal. After 40 years of development, the city has gradually become a regional political, economic and cultural center and an important energy and raw material industrial base in the northwest region. In Shizuishan’s development process, the coal industry has always dominated, a profound impact on the development of Shizuishan. In recent years, with the depletion of coal resources, Shizuishan City to deal with various problems tend to be obvious, the task of developing alternative industries become more urgent. The urgency of the main manifestations: First, more and more constraints on coal mining response. Second, the single industrial structure, lack of market competitiveness of enterprises. Third, the channel for increasing financial revenue is not wide, and the fiscal and taxation mechanism for growth has not been fully established yet. Fourth, the ecological environment is more and more serious. Fifth, the employment and reemployment situation is grim, and social stability is worsening. Sixth, the city system is not smooth. These problems make Shizuishan, the place where the industrial workers in Ningxia are most concentrated, gradually becoming the “destitute zone” for the follow-up development of economy in Ningxia and the most concentrated city for the urban poor in Ningxia. With the autonomous region coal development from north to south and Ning Dong
现代公路对沥青面层要求越来越高,改性沥青的使用越来越普遍,而在选择改性沥青类型和剂量时,往往会出现这样或那样的问题。 Modern road asphalt surface layer of higher a
年月UT:系统UT:系统 臼(10一,弧度/秒)吞。/。。(一10一10) 臼(10-,弧度/秒)△旬/。。(一10一‘o)1983.77。292115032巧77。29211497124181500耳194149492719149932 111弓970
介绍了国内外桥梁所面临的严重耐久性问题,以引起国内桥梁工作者对桥梁耐久性问题的重视。 The serious durability problems faced by bridges at home and abroad are int