
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong479
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“设备维修市场”这一新的专业术语是在我国设备管理工作深化改革的过程中出现的,“设备”在《辞海》中的广义解释为“生产或生活上所需要的各种器械用品”;在专业术语中解释为“它是工业企业中固定资产的主要组成部分,可供长期使用,并在使用中基本保持原有实物形态,能继续使用或反复使用的劳动资料和其他物质资料的总称”.这一解释适用于国内的工业企业管理.我国《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》中使用了“生产技术装备”一词,对其解释为“生产技术装备是生产设备、试验设备、仪器仪表与工艺装备的总称”.笔者认为,目前我国“设备维修市场”中“设备”的内涵,暂且只能从“生产技术装备”这一范畴来理解,不宜扩展,以便于对市场的开发、整顿、引导以及立法管理.将来根据市场经济的发展,设备维修市场将会逐步扩大并包含更大的范围,如医疗设备、厨用设备、现代化办公设备、家用电器的维修等. The new term “equipment maintenance market” emerged during the process of deepening reforms in China’s equipment management. The broad interpretation of “equipment” in “Ci Hai” is “a variety of equipment supplies required for production or living”. In the terminology, it is interpreted as “it is the main component of the fixed assets in industrial enterprises, which can be used for a long period of time, and can maintain its original physical form in use, and can continue to use or repeatedly use labor information and other material information. “The general term” applies to the management of domestic industrial enterprises. The term “production technology and equipment” is used in China’s “Regulations on the Management of Equipment for All-Utilities-Industrial Transport Enterprises”, which is interpreted as “production technology equipment is a production equipment and test equipment.” The author’s opinion is that the connotation of “equipment” in China’s “equipment maintenance market” can only be understood from the category of “production technology and equipment,” and should not be expanded so as to facilitate the market. Development, reorganization, guidance and legislative management. In the future, according to the development of the market economy, the equipment maintenance market will gradually expand and include A large range, such as medical equipment, kitchen equipment, modern office equipment, household appliances and maintenance.
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