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据统计,1999年1月份全国化工系统县以上国有企业因工死亡13人,与去年同期的35人相比,减少22人,下降62.9%。死亡事故中,化工行业的死亡人数比上年同期大幅度增加。1月4日17时,贵州省遵义碱厂电石炉出电石时,1名操作工被灼伤,面积达70%,抢救无效,于8日早晨死亡。1月8日,湖北双环集团公司氯碱厂氟机爆炸,1名25岁的值班长当场炸死。原因是氯气串入氟系 According to statistics, in January 1999, 13 workers died of state-owned enterprises above the county level in the national chemical system. Compared with 35 in the same period of last year, the number of state-owned enterprises decreased by 22 people and decreased by 62.9%. In the fatal accident, the death toll in the chemical industry increased significantly over the same period of last year. At 17 o’clock on the January 4, Guizhou Province, Zunyi caustic carbide calcium carbide furnace out of calcium carbide, an operative was burned, an area of ​​70%, rescue invalid, died on the 8th morning. January 8, Hubei Shuanghuan Group chlor-alkali plant fluorine machine explosion, a 25-year-old squad leader killed on the spot. The reason is chlorine into fluorine series
Applying a novel method of arc-glow plasma depositing, a 2μm-thick coating with 12 sub-layers of TiN and CrN was deposited alternately on the surface of magnes
孤立的视网膜囊肿特别是巨大囊肿十分罕见 ,国内外报告很少。我们遇到 2例 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料例 1 女 ,41a,护士 ,因左眼视力下降伴眼前黑影飘动2 mo余收入院。全身
突发性聋为耳鼻咽喉科常见急症 ,随着我国人口的老龄化 ,对老年前期和老年期突发性聋进行研究 ,很有必要。现将 1996年 4月至 1998年 11月间住院诊治的 76例 ( 79耳 )老年前
奥运会有一个口号,即“更快、更高、更强”。遵循这一口号,世界各国及地区的运动员来北京参加比赛,首先当然是想夺取金牌,为自己的祖国争光。  运动员平时刻苦训练,比赛超水平发挥,创造奇迹并不意外。100多年来,一个又一个世界纪录被打破,一个又一个“更快、更高、更强”被刷新,从这个角度说,人类挑战自我的极限永无止境。  然而,笔者突然意识到,我们好像不能就事论事地看待“更快、更高、更强”。平心而论,如果
Can China break the magic spell? Will China break the traditional pattern of post-Olympic slowdown?Since the Second World War.GDP growth in the host country of