
来源 :中华危重病急救医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boypoe
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目的:探讨老年社区获得性肺炎(CAP)合并新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)的病例特征及转归。方法:结合2020年2月7日辽宁省新冠肺炎救治中心收治的1例老年CAP合并新冠肺炎患者的诊疗过程,分析此类患者在诊疗过程中的特点,总结救治体会。结果:患者女性,79岁,发热、干咳、乏力伴呼吸困难,双肺散在湿啰音,氧合指数(PaCOn 2/FiOn 2) 95 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),胸部CT示双肺弥散性间质性肺炎,大部分病灶为磨玻璃样、纤维样病灶,符合新冠肺炎重型病例特点,经过抗炎、抗病毒、高流量氧疗、维持内环境稳定、保护器官功能、心理疏导等,1个月后成功治愈。总结此类患者救治体会为:在呼吸系统方面,注重高流量氧疗与机械通气时机的把握。在抗炎与抗病毒方面,注重老年CAP治疗同时兼顾抗病毒、对症支持治疗,随着病程进展注意耐药菌的产生及合并真菌感染的可能。在循环系统方面,注重液体容量与内环境的稳定,加强血流动力学监测及床旁超声对心血管容量负荷的评估。在免疫系统方面,注重免疫增强剂与糖皮质激素应用时机的选择。在肠内营养方面,早期低脂高蛋白饮食有利于肠道功能恢复,防止菌群移位。在重要器官功能保护的同时采用合理镇静、心理干预等治疗。n 结论:老年CAP合并新冠肺炎患者病情复杂,治疗难度大,全面评估病情,综合有效治疗是救治成功的关键。“,”Objective:To explore the pathological characteristics and outcomes of elderly patients with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) accompanied by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Methods:The diagnosis and treatment process of one elderly patient with CAP accompanied by COVID-19 who was admitted to COVID-19 Treatment Center of Liaoning Province on February 7, 2020 were reviewed. The experience of treatment by analyzing the characteristics of such type of patients during diagnosis and treatment were summarized.Results:A female patient, aged 79 years ald, was admitted to the Center with following features: fever, dry cough, fatigue with dyspnea, scattered moist rales in both lungs, oxygenation index (PaCOn 2/FiOn 2) of 95 mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa), and diffuse interstitial pneumonia in both lungs indicated by chest CT, of which the majority were ground glass-like and fibrous lesions. It was confirmed to be consistent with the feature of severe COVID-19 cases. The patient was successfully cured one month later following anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and high-flow oxygen therapies, homeostasis maintenance of the body, psychological counseling, etc. Accordingly, the treatment experience in CAP combined with COVID-19 in the elderly patients was summarized as follows. In respiratory system, the timing of high-flow oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation should be seized. As for anti-inflammatory and antiviral therapy, attention should be paid to the treatment of CAP as well as antiviral therapy and symptomatic and supportive therapy. With the progression of the disease, the production of drug-resistant bacteria and the possibility of fungal infection should be paid attention to. For the circulatory system, we should pay attention to the stability of fluid volume and internal environment, and strengthen hemodynamic monitoring and bedside ultrasound to evaluate the cardiovascular capacity-load. In the aspect of the immune system, the selection of the application time of immune-enhancers and glucocorticoids should be paid attention to. In terms of enteral nutrition, early low-fat and high-protein diet is conducive to the recovery of intestinal function and the prevention of bacterial translocation. In addition to the protection of the function of important organs, therapies such as reasonable sedation and psychological intervention should also be used.n Conclusions:Elderly patients with CAP accompanied by COVID-19 have complicated conditions and high degree of difficulty in treatment. Comprehensive evaluation of the disease as well as synthetic and effective intervention are the key factors of successful treatment of such patients.
健康与长寿,也许是当今之世最热门的话题。我有幸向当代著名画僧月照禅师讨教书画义理及人生哲理,不经意间也涉及到了长寿话题。我忽然注意到,与月照禅师交往 Health and lo
沈维德,一位富有传奇色彩的老人。80岁的他,红光满面,腰背挺直,步履轻盈,而且随时随地可以做双盘、肩扛脚、头触地,抬腿转腰,软似面团,柔若婴儿,就连专业瑜 Shen Weide, a l
食物等级A=尽可能多吃B=每天适量的吃C=每周吃一次D=限制摄入果汁如果饮用大量果汁(指滤渣后剩余的果汁),身体会把果汁中的糖分当 Food grade A = Eat as much as possible