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一个普通教师在大灾面前能有多伟大?在什么情况下才能看到普通人伟大的一面?在地震来临之际一个普通教师会用什么方式死去?一个老师死去能够留下什么震撼我们心灵甚至震撼中国的姿势?死亡在每个人面前都是平等的,无论贫富贵贱年龄大小职位高低,死亡都会来到我们身边!但震区老师们的死,却在生命的最后一刻死得惊心动魄轰轰烈烈。他们做出的动作惊人地一致——像雄鹰一样死去!他们的死出自父爱、母爱和老师的本能,他们的本能就是保护自己的学生。当看到网络上、报纸上、电视里面出现那些震区老师们死去的那一张张照片的时候,我们所有的人都会震惊!只有伟大的人才能做出这样的姿势!他们俯下身躯、张开双臂,把学生紧紧挡在了身下,那是一种雄鹰翱翔天际的姿势,他们的学生仰视的时候,看到老师的样子,就是翱翔的雄鹰!雄鹰折翼,我们为老师们庄严地立下一方方为人师表的墓碑,用心为他们刻下墓志铭!凝望雄鹰死去的姿势,让我们尊重生命,好好活下去。谭老师离开了,他身下的4个学生奇迹般地活了下来!谭千秋对得起他的职业!千秋万代!他的学生会永远记住他,我们也会记住他!在灾难面前,每一个懂得付出和奉献的普普通通的人都是英雄。这些天我们流了太多的眼泪。现在我们要说,我们不哭!我们不哭!让逝去的亲人安静步入天堂,让活着的人振作起来重建家园。 How great can an ordinary teacher be before a cataclysm? Under what circumstances can we see the great part of the ordinary people? What will an ordinary teacher die when an earthquake strikes? Shocking the posture of China? Death in front of everyone is equal, no matter the level of the rich and the poor the size of the post, the death will come to our side! But the earthquake area teachers died, but at the last minute of life died thrilling vigor and vitality. Their action is strikingly consistent - like eagles die! Their death comes from the instincts of their fatherly, motherly love and their teachers, whose instincts are to protect their students. All of us were shocked when we saw that picture of the earthquake zone teachers dead on the internet, in the newspapers and on the television. Only great people can make such a gesture! Open your arms and hold the student firmly in the body, it is an eagle soaring sky posture, when their students looked up, see the teacher looks like, is the flying eagle! Eagle flap, we are The teachers solemnly set up the tombstone for one of the teachers and mothers, carved an epitaph for them! Staring at the eagle’s dead posture, let us respect life and survive. Tan teacher left, his four students miraculously survived! Tan Qianqiu worthy of his career! Chiaki generations! His students will always remember him, we will remember him! In the face of disaster, each one The common people who know how to give and offer are heroes. These days we shed too much tears. Now we want to say we do not cry! We do not cry! Let the deceased relatives quietly enter heaven and let the living people cheer up and rebuild their homeland.
据我们试验,采用营养钵育甘蔗苗,育成8—10片的中苗,秋育春移及春育夏移,比催芽直接下种增产156.8%和175.5%。营养钵育蔗苗有5个方面的优点: According to our experiments