
来源 :人民检察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragoenix
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基于对50多年执政经验的总结与对世界法治发展潮流的前瞻,我们党明确提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的执政目标,这为平和司法理念的提出创造了政治、文化基础。平和司法观要求司法者理性思维与平等意识的养成,在刑事司法领域充分贯彻司法谦抑原则,而司法者信守规则、人文关怀精神则是实现平和司法的关键。 Based on the review of more than 50 years of ruling experience and the prospect of the development of the rule of law in the world, our party has clearly set forth the ruling objective of building a socialist harmonious society. This has created the political and cultural foundation for bringing forth the concept of peaceful judiciary. The concept of justice and fairness requires that the judiciary should cultivate the rational thinking and equality consciousness and fully implement the principle of judicial restraint in the field of criminal justice. However, the judiciary should abide by the rules and the spirit of humane care is the key to the realization of peaceful judicature.
1999年3月16日,省老促会领导何俊才、余慧、朱小仲、黄华同志,来到龙门县沙迳,实地考察东、西坑建桥事宜。此桥建 March 16, 1999, provincial leaders promote the leader
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