If the ordinary transistor can become a super-linear amplifier components, and the circuit design has nothing to do with the discrete, easy to apply to each frequency domain, which is expected by line designers. In particular, changing the H_m / I_o DC characteristic (corresponding to h_21) and changing its complex function transfer characteristic to a constant K expressed by a straight line equation in the application area may change the concept of an amplifier device. For AC amplifiers, if the group wave is used as input, the harmonic distortion factor (KF) of the amplifier is considered to be less than 0.05% according to the general theory (or measured by the instrument) in the past, which is lower than that of the tube circuit KF Seems to be increased by two orders of magnitude, but in the actual application of the two compared, the former is far less than the latter. Such practical problems have long been noted internationally. By the mid-seventies, Finland's Otala et al. Proposed transient intermodulation