一、新疆地边贸易发展简况 新疆与一些沿边省区一样,同周边国家的地边贸易经历了一个发展、停滞、再发展的过程。四十多年来,大致可分为三个阶段: 第一阶段是:五十年代至六十年代为贸易起始期,新疆进出口贸易通过记帐方式进行易货贸易。1950年进出口总额为1350万美元,至1960年达到7318万美元,其中出口为4800万美元,十年分别增长4.42倍和6.54倍。出口的商品品种由18种增加到91种,种类也由毛、皮、棉、干鲜瓜果等原料产品扩大到粮油、矿产、纺织。化工等多种工业制
I. Overview of the Development of Xinjiang’s Borderland Trade Xinjiang, like some border provinces, has experienced a process of development, stagnation, and redevelopment along with the neighboring countries. For more than 40 years, it can be roughly divided into three stages: The first stage is: From the 1950s to the 1960s, it was the initial period of trade, and Xinjiang’s import and export trade carried out barter trade through the accounting method. In 1950, the total import and export volume was 13.5 million U.S. dollars, reaching 73.18 million U.S. dollars in 1960, of which exports were 48 million U.S. dollars, which increased by 4.42 times and 6.54 times in the decade. The number of export commodities increased from 18 species to 91 species. The category also expanded from raw materials such as wool, hides, cotton, and dried fresh fruits to grain, oil, minerals, and textiles. Chemicals and other industrial systems