
来源 :中国书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tank2203555
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书法艺术是社会主义文明建设的组成部分之一,作为建院十八周年的河南老年书画院(原河南老年书画研究会)责无旁贷。一定要把中华民族的瑰宝,历来享誉中州的书法艺术,继承与发展下去,使之健康地跨入二十一世纪。一、在传统的基础上创新。我们曾提出『秉承师法,书出有家,继承传统,大胆创新』。实践证明是正确的。首先是秉承师法,因为历代名家名帖很多,必须选好一家的代表作为切入点。将其作为重点主攻,掌握用笔、结体、章法三要素的规律和法则。但有的同仁急于求成,学不好楷书就学行书,学不好行书就学草书,甚至急于学狂草,成了跳跃式的学习,这样基础不稳,事倍功半,浪费了不少时间。须知长移之树不茂盛,学一家专注一端就行。我们的年事已高,多数人正处于稳定期,要升华不 Calligraphy art is an integral part of the construction of socialist civilization. As the 18th anniversary of the founding of Henan Province, the old painting and Calligraphy Institute of Henan (formerly Henan Painting and Calligraphy Association) is duty-bound. We must inherit and develop the treasures of the Chinese nation, the art of calligraphy that has long enjoyed a good reputation in Zhongzhou, and make it soundly enter the 21st century. First, based on the traditional innovation. We have put forward the idea of ​​“adhering to teacher-training practices, publishing books, inheriting traditions and making bold innovations.” Practice proved to be correct. The first is adhering to the division of law, because many famous celebrities in history, you must choose a representative as a starting point. As the main focus, grasp the pen, knot, the law of the three elements of the law and rule. However, some colleagues are anxious for success. If they fail to learn the regular script, they will learn the script. If they are not good at writing a book, they will go to school and even hurry to study maddening grass. This has become a leap-forward study. This results in instability, duplication of efforts and waste of time. Long-term note that the tree is not lush, learn to focus on one end of the line. Our age is high, and most people are in a stable period, not to be sublimated
流化床技术 ( 2 0 0 0年 )2 0 0 0 1 流化床燃烧与灰渣综合利用 [刊 ]/刘德昌…∥锅炉压力容器安全技术 — 2 0 0 0 ,( 1 )2 0 0 0 2 循环流化床锅炉的运行 [刊 ]/杨军勇
目的:结合护理实践,探讨重度颅脑外伤患者的护理方法.方法 回顾性分析100例重度颅脑外伤患者的临床护理资料,总结其护理经验.结果 本组开颅手术73例,保守治疗27例.治愈78例,
目的:研究和分析心理干预在肝癌晚期患者中的护理体会.方法 选择2014年10月至2016年12月期间我院收治的晚期肝癌患者,随机抽取54例,做为本次研究对象,按照数字表达法分为观察