The Research on the Enhancement of Feminism in America in the Late 19th Century Through The Awakenin

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangtingzhi2009
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The late 19 th century was a significant turning point of feminism in America. Many changes or even upheavals happened on American female positions, female social expectations and gender discrimination. The enhancement of feminism in this period was echoed in many literary works,among which The Awakening written by Kate Chopin was one of the most typical. Under the precise analysis of the writing background of The Awakening and a comparative study of the three protagonists-Edna,Reisz and Adele, the paper reveals the fact that feminism developed fast and got enhanced in the late 19 th century and this kind of advancement has also had a big influence on American female social positions from then on. The late 19th th century was a significant turning point of feminism in America. Many changes or even upheavals happened on American female places, female social expectations and gender discrimination. The enhancement of feminism in this period was echoed in many literary works, among which The Awakening written by Kate Chopin was one of the most typical. Under the precise analysis of the writing background of The Awakening and a comparative study of the three protagonists-Edna, Reisz and Adele, the paper reveals the fact that feminism developed fast and got enhanced in the late 19th th century and this kind of advancement has also had a big influence on American female social positions from then on.
摘 要:近几年,高等教育大力号召地方院校逐渐向应用性转型,旨在文化教育的基础上,提高专业技能实际操作能力。在此大背景下,音乐类专业技能课更加注重吹、拉、弹、唱的能力培养。而视奏是在短时间内完成阅谱,随即演奏音乐作品,考验演奏者的音乐感知力,如节奏、音准等综合素养,是钢琴教学中不可缺少的环节。市场上相关的钢琴理论书籍较多,但提及视奏的篇幅过于简洁,缺乏系统理论的梳理,导致音乐类专业学生练琴时疏于视奏
一忌瞎拆:没有查明故障原因,就急于动手、盲目拆卸,结果故障没有找到,机件却拆坏、拆丢,贴了时间又赔钱。 二忌乱查:违犯排除故障应遵循的“先易后难,由表及里,从简到繁”的