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  1. (2008年陕西省) —Peter,how old is your father this year?
  —______. And we just had a party for his______birthday last weekend.
  A. Fortieth;forty B. Forty;forty
  C. Forty;fortieth D. Fortieth;fortieth
  2. (2008年长沙市) All the students live on______floor.
  A. the second B. two C. second
  3. (2008年厦门市) The______letter in the word “develop” is “v”.
  A. second B. third C. fifth
  4. (2008年青海省) —How old is your daughter?
  —______. We had a special party for her______birthday last Sunday.
  A. Nine;nine B. Nine;ninth
  C. Ninth;ninth
  5. (2008年云南省)______of students help the homeless people through the Red Cross.
  A. Thousand B. Thousands
  C. Thousand D. Hundred and thousand
  6. (2008年新疆、新疆建设兵团) After the strong earthquake,______people were homeless.
  A. millions of B. hundred C. thousand of D. ten thousands
  7. (2008年湘潭市) Over twenty______students took part in the math competition last year.
  A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of
  8. (2008年黑龙江省)______soldiers and doctors have been in Wenchuan to help the people there.
  A. Thousand of B. Two thousands
  C. Thousands of
  9. (2008年包头市)______of the money______been spent recycling the rubbish.
  A. Three fourths;has B. Three fourths;have
  C. Three fourth;has D. Three fourth;have
  10. (2008年益阳市) About______of the doctors in the hospital are women.
  A. third B. three fifths C. third fifth D. three fifth
  11. (2008年河北省) Can you imagine what life will be like in______time?
  A. 20 years’ B. 20 year’s C. 20-years’ D. 20-years
  12. (2008年南通市) The Sutong Highway Bridge,a______bridge,is already open to traffic.
  A. 32 kilometer long B. 32-kilometre-long
  C. 32 kilometers long D. 32-kilometres-long
  13. (2008年贵阳市) Mr Yang wrote a______story. Most of us enjoyed it a lot.
  A. two-thousand-words B. two -thousand-word
  C. two -thousands-word
  14. (2007年重庆市) In our city,______middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.
  A. thousand B. thousand of
  C. thousands of D. two thousand of
  15. (2007年青岛市) Many______trees should be planted on the mountains.
  A. thousand B. thousand of
  C. thousands D. thousands of
  16. (2007年乌兰察布市) There is______tree in our school.
  A. a 8-metres-tall B. an 8-metre-tall
  C. an 8 metres tall D. a 8 metres tall
  17. (2007年连云港市) We are sure the______Olympic Games in Beijing next year will be one of______games in history.
  A. twenty-nine;more successful
  B. twenty-ninth;more successful
  C. twenty-ninth;the most successful
  D. twenty-nine;the most successful
  18. (2007年盐城市) Qinghai-Tibet Railway(青藏铁路) was completed last year. It is the______railway that connects Tibet with the other parts of China.
  A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
  19. (2006年包头市) —What’s one fourth and a half,can you tell me?
  A. two sixths B. three fourths
  C. one three D. three sixths
  20. (2006年盐城市) We all know that two and one is three. Here “is” means “______”.
  A. = B. % C. < D. >
  21. (2006年东营市) It was the second time for China to send a manned(载人的) spaceship into the sky,but it was the______time for Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng to go to the space.
  A. first B. second C. third D. last
  22. (2006年兰州市) I think______of the materials I listen to at the beginning of the exam______easy.
  A. two thirds;is B. second three;are
  C. two thirds;are D. two third;three
  23. (2006年沈阳市) —You must be very tired after having an______flight.
  —Exactly. I need a good sleep right now.
  A. one-day B. one day
  C. eighteen hours D. eighteen-hour
  24. (2006年武汉市) Kate lives in______. Mine is next to hers.
  A. the room five B. Room Five
  C. five room
  25. (2006年济宁市) I went to college in______and began to work in
  A. the 1980s;twenty B. the 1980’s;my twenties
  C. 1980;my twenty D. 1980s;my twentieth
  26. (2006年长沙市) It happened______.
  A. on December of 29th,1998 B. on December 29,1998
  C. on 29,1998,December D. in December,29,1998
  27. (2006年四川省) Lin Tao gets up at______in the morning.
  A. half past six B. six past half
  C. past half six D. half six past
  28. (2006年重庆市) —What’s the time now?
  A. six B. sixth C. seventh D. eighth
  29. (2006年毕节市) —Can you read the number “2367” in English?
  —Yes,I can. It’s______.
  A. two thousand three hundred sixty seven
  B. two thousand three hundred and sixty seven
  C. two thousands three hundreds and sixty seven
  D. two thousand three hundred sixty-seven
  30. (2005年岳阳市) —Look! The old woman lying on the ground is badly ill.
  —Oh,dear! Let’s call______.
  A. 119 B. 120 C. 121 D. 122
  31. (2005年曲靖、玉溪市) —Could you please tell me what time it is now?
  A. ten and twenty B. twenty past ten
  C. ten twenty D. both B and C
  32. (2005年淄博市) We are happy to have our______holiday,because seven days______a long time to have a picnic.
  A. seven-days;is B. seven-day;is
  C. seven-day;are D. seven-day’s;are
  33. (2005年河北省) This is a big class,and______of the students are girls.
  A. two third B. second three
  C. two thirds D. two three
  34. (2005年天津市) Bill said they would have______holiday.
  A. a two-month B. two months
  C. two-months D. two month’s
  35. (2005年徐州市) At 9 a. m. on October 15,2003,______Yang Liwei flew into space in the manned spaceship.
  A. 38 years old B. 38 year old
  C. 38-year-old D. 38-years-old
  1- 5 CABBB 6-10 AACAB 11-15 ABBCD 16-20 BCABA
  21-25 ACDBB 26-30 BAABB 31-35 DBCAC
一、一般情况下,must表示主观上认为有义务、有必要;而have to则表示客观上的需要,含有“不得不”的意思。例如:
◆ 词块收藏  in many ways 在许多方面;somewhere warm 暖和的地方;slow down 减速;live on 以……为食;stay active 保持活跃;adapt to 适应;different kinds of 不同种类的;turn white 变成白色  ◆ 典句赏析  1. Thats what migrating animals do. 迁徙的动物就是这样做