
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Phoenix164
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在香港举办的1992年国际花卉博览会上,如皋绿园小字辈共同创作的盆景作品《大地回春》以其独特的意境,娴熟的艺术造型,夺得本届大会精品一等奖的桂冠。《大地回春》以写实的手法,再现万物复苏,春光明媚,祖国大地生机蓬勃的气象。这个作品既不囿于传统流派的创作规范,也不拘泥于单一的品类盆景造型,而是将丛林式、水石类、水旱雕塑型巧妙地熔于一体的综合性造型艺术,力求以独具风貌的树石,精致典雅的配件,表现出气韵深邃的自然景观。为了 At the 1992 International Flower Expo held in Hong Kong, the bonsai piece “Earth Rejuvenation” co-authored by the younger generation of Rugao Green Park won the first prize of the first prize of this conference with its unique artistic conception and artistic style. “Earth rejuvenation” to realistic means to reproduce the recovery of all things, the spring is bright, the vigorous atmosphere of the earth’s motherland. This work is not limited to the traditional norms of the genre, nor rigidly adhere to a single category of bonsai modeling, but the jungle, water stone, water and drought sculptures cleverly integrated into a comprehensive art, and strive to unique The style of stone, exquisite and elegant accessories, showing a deep natural landscape charm. in order to
目的:观察并比较分析急性百草枯中毒致药物性肝病的影响因素. 方法:选择2008年01月至2013年12月入住我院急诊科的急性百草枯中毒患者112例,根据急性百草枯中毒致肝损伤的的