目前市场上旺销不锈钢炊具、器皿,其中一部分锃亮的炊具、器皿并非真的不锈钢制器,而是用不锈铁制成的。不锈铁制品在湿度较大的环境中仍会生锈。怎样用简便的办法识别不锈钢与不锈铁制品呢? 一、印标识别法。正规厂家生产的产品一般都有印标,如:13~0、18~0、18~8。破折号前面的数码表示材料的含铬百分量,后面的数码表示镍元素的百分含量,只含铬而不含镍的制品属不锈铁范畴。含镍量越高,不锈钢质量及各项性能越好,价格也较高。如果制品上没有打印代号,那就可能是不锈铁制品。二、磁识别法。镍具有反磁性,据这一特性,选购
Currently on the market sell stainless steel cookers, utensils, some of which shiny cookware, utensils are not really stainless steel, but made of stainless steel. Stainless steel products in the humidity environment will still rust. How to use a simple way to identify stainless steel and stainless steel products? First, the printed logo identification method. Regular manufacturers of products generally have printed mark, such as: 13 ~ 0,18 ~ 0,18 ~ 8. The number in front of the dash indicates the percentage of chromium in the material, the number in the back indicates the percentage of nickel, and the product containing only chromium but not nickel is in the stainless steel category. The higher the nickel content, the quality of stainless steel and the better the performance, the price is higher. If the product is not printed on the code, it may be stainless steel products. Second, magnetic identification method. Nickel with diamagnetic, according to this feature, buy