家有“厕神” 五年不用洗马桶

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在刚刚结束的第25届广州国际美博会上,一种名叫“厕神”的高科技产品在与会的近两千家企业、上万种产品中脱颖而出,引发巨大轰动。由于该产品是来自美国的最新专利发明(专利号:5460718),参展商暨厕神国内独家总代理李海生仓促间只准备了5000个样品,没想到第一天就被抢购了3000多个。第二天,他决定每人限购一个,剩下的产品还是被抢购一空。到了第三天,有些厂商已经开始撤展了,李海生的展位前仍然人头攒动,他只好拿着产品宣传彩页给大家讲解,最后连彩页都发光了。“厕神”究竟是什么?到底神在哪儿呢?家里有马桶的人都知道,马桶是最容易滋生细菌、霉臭和积存污垢的地方。只要三天不洗,马桶原本光亮清洁的表面就会出现一层黄色或灰色的水垢,尤其硬水质地区,问题更加严重。这是因为水中含有钙、镁、碳酸盐等矿物质,它们结合后会形成一种黄色或灰 At the just-concluded 25th Guangzhou International Beauty Fair, a high-tech product named “Pacchino” stood out among the nearly 2,000 companies and tens of thousands of products that attended the event, causing a huge stir. As the product is the latest patented invention from the United States (Patent No.: 5460718), only 5,000 samples were prepared between the exhibitor and Li Haisheng, the exclusive distributor of toilets in China, but 3,000 were snapped up on the first day. The next day, he decided to buy one per person, and the rest of the product was sold out. On the third day, some manufacturers had already begun to withdraw their booths. Li Haisheng’s booth was still crowded. He had to take the product promotion page for everyone to explain. Finally, the color pages were even bright. What exactly is “Praying God”? Where is God in the end? People with toilets at home know that toilets are the most prone to bacterial, moldy, and accumulated dirt. As long as no wash is done for three days, there will be a layer of yellow or gray scale on the original clean shiny surface of the toilet, especially in hard water areas where the problem is even more serious. This is because the water contains calcium, magnesium, carbonate and other minerals that combine to form a yellow or gray
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