借一双慧眼 防求职被骗

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每年的春节过后,广州城郊的电线杆、墙壁上甚至破烂不堪的厕所之内,都被密密麻麻的广告贴满,大的半张红纸或白纸,小的莫过于名片一般,内容都一样,招工,条件几乎没有,而待遇几乎让人咋舌,进厂就一千数百元。天下哪有这么好的事,白痴都能一上岗就千儿八百的。不过,这类下作的招工广告除了偶尔能骗到一些初来乍到的人外,有经验、文化的打工人员是不会上这个当了。但是,狐狸总是狡滑的,在市场的摸爬滚打中,骗子们也是越来越成熟了,特别是判断求职者心理方面的技巧提高了。知道求职者不再轻易相信街边广告、街头摊档的玩意儿,那就进写字楼、进招聘会现场,设个招聘摊位,扯个职介招牌,豪华的场地,西装革履的打扮,文质彬彬的谈话,不多收求职费,只收个几十元以内的介绍费或资料工本费,最多也就几百元的高档岗位介绍费,都在大众的心理接受底线范围之内,而且还可以给你三次以上的选择机会,由不得求职者不信以为真。假如是这种情况的话,任你是高中学历,还是大学以上文凭,都有可能自投罗网。特别是去年下半年“民工荒”新闻热炒之后,骗术可能偏向于高工资、高福利、优越的工作环境、良好的升迁前途这类花言巧语。这个时期,求职者千万得小心,一定要注意:找工作一定要找合法的职介机构。 Every year after the Spring Festival, the poles in the suburbs of Guangzhou and even the dilapidated toilets on the walls were covered with numerous advertisements. The large half-red paper or white paper was smaller than the business cards. The content was the same, Recruitment, the conditions are almost no, while the treatment is almost staggering, into the factory a few hundred dollars. How can there be such a good thing in the world? However, this type of job advertisements, except for occasional fools who have just arrived, experienced and cultural migrant workers will not be on this one. However, the fox is always cunning, in the market fumble, the crooks are also more and more mature, especially to judge the psychological aspects of job seekers skills improved. Know that job seekers are no longer easy to believe street advertising, street stalls stuff, then into the office, into the job fair site, set up a recruitment booth, pulled a job signs, luxury venues, suits and dress, gentle Conversation, do not charge more job costs, only a few dozen received within a few introductory fees or information fee, up to a few hundred dollars upscale job referral fee, are in the public psychology to accept the bottom line, but also to You more than three times the choice of opportunity, not by job seekers do not believe it. If this is the case, either you are a high school diploma, or college diploma, are likely to cast nets. Especially in the second half of last year, “labor shortage” hot news after the news, the fraud may be biased toward high wages, high welfare, excellent working environment, good prospects for promotion of such rhetoric. During this period, job seekers must be careful, must pay attention: find a job must find a legal agency.
比尔·盖茨写给高中毕业生和大学毕业生的一本书里,对刚刚毕业的学子们列出了10条忠告:1、生活是不公平的,要去适应它。 2、这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我