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又到中秋,翻开日历,计算着行程,心里却颇不是滋味。8年没在家过中秋节了,父亲的来信躺在桌上,象一双责备的眼睛。 八月十五这天,母亲照例是要祭月光的。太阳刚落,就在门前的一块空地上支起张桌子,摆上几个盘碟,里面放了印有图案的月饼、熟透的梨子、一两枝白嫩的藕或者许多菱角,等满月自东方越过树梢探出头来,引燃一串爆竹…… 小时候,因为有许多吃食的引诱,也巴望着这日早早地来,当如盘的月亮冉冉 To the Mid-Autumn Festival, opened the calendar, calculate the trip, but my heart is quite tasteless. Mid-Autumn Festival has not been home at eight years, his father’s letter lying on the table, like a pair of reproach eyes. On August 15, my mother routinely offered moonlight on this day. The sun just fell, on the open space in front of a piece of open table, put a few dishes, which put a printed pattern of moon cakes, ripe pears, one or two white tender lotus or many water chestnut, such as full moon From the east over the treetops stuck their heads and ignited a bunch of firecrackers ... As a child, because there are many temptations to eat, but also looking forward to early this day come when the plate as the moon slowly
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