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用从家兔血浆中提纯的α_2-巨球蛋白(α_2-macroglobin α_2M)对实验性兔角膜硷烧伤进行了治疗,目的在于寻找一种新的快速、有效治疗眼部硷烧伤的新方法,并试图从体内找出一种新的清除自由基物质。首先从正常家兔血浆中提取制得纯度很高的α_2M滴眼液。在硷烧伤后第1、2、3、4和7天分别对兔眼作了外眼观察;在第2、7和14天分别抽取房水,对房水总SOD含量做了测定;并在第7和14天测定了房水总蛋白。结果表明,在烧伤后的第1,2和3天实验组家兔眼混合充血明显低于对照组,在第2和3天实验组角膜混浊水肿也明显低于对照组,统计学均有显著性差异。在第2、7和14天房水总SOD均高于对照组,统计学也有显著性差异,但两次测得的房水总蛋白含量均无统计学意义,但实验组蛋白含量均较对照组低。结论:α_2M对免眼硷烧伤的急性期炎症具有明显的抑制作用,对硷烧伤后组织产生的超氧自由基及其代谢产物具有清除作用。 The experimental rabbit corneal alkali burn was treated with α_2-macroglobin α_2M purified from rabbit plasma in order to find a new and rapid new method for the treatment of ocular alkali burn. Trying to find a new body from the free radical scavenging material. First of all, the purity of α_2M eye drops was extracted from normal rabbit plasma. Rabbits eyes were observed on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 7th day after alkali burns respectively. Aqueous humor was drawn on the 2nd, 7th and 14th days respectively to determine the total SOD in the aqueous humor. Aqueous total protein was measured on days 7 and 14. The results showed that in the experimental group on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days after burn, the rabbits’ eyes mixed hyperemia was significantly lower than that of the control group. On the 2nd and 3rd days, the corneal opacity of the experimental group was also significantly lower than that of the control group Sex differences. The total SOD in aqueous humor at the 2nd, 7th and 14th days were higher than that of the control group, and there was also a significant difference in statistics. However, the total protein content of aqueous humor measured twice was not statistically significant, but the protein content of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control Low group. CONCLUSION: α_2M has a significant inhibitory effect on acute phase of alkali-free alkali burn and has scavenging effect on superoxide radical and its metabolites produced by alkaline burn.
目的探讨新生儿呕吐的常见病因。方法对 117例新生儿进行临床病因分析并分类。结果内科原因呕吐 96例 ,占 82 .1% ,其中感染性疾病为致呕吐的主要疾病 ;外科原因呕吐 2 1例 ,
在研究中我们发现,儿童群体和教师群体均存在极大的个体差异,所以同样的课程内容在不同地区、不同幼儿园和不同班级实施都会产生较大差别。许多教师在实施课程过程中与幼儿不断互动,共同成为生成发展课程的主体。根据我们的研究,教师和幼儿互动生成的课程内容大致可以归纳为三种类型:生成发展的课程活动,生成发展的课程线索,生成发展的课程主题。    一、生成发展的课程活动    教师和幼儿在使用教材开展互动学习的过
BACKGROUND:Nikethamide,a respiratory center stimulant,is widely used in China.However,its effects on the central nervous system and medullary respiratory center
1 临床资料  患者 ,女 ,5岁。因发烧 ,腹痛 ,腹泻入院。入院后查体 ,体温 3 7.6℃ ,脉搏 92次 /分 ,咽部无红肿 ,双肺呼吸音正常 ,腹部平软 ,无压痛、反跳痛及肌紧张 ,腰
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