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广东卷阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。纪念是用一定的方式对人对事进行怀念。它既可以是国家、民族对已有荣誉的回忆,对过去痛苦的祭奠,也可以是家庭和个人对往事对亲朋表示的怀念。纪念又不同于怀念,它不仅仅是内心情感的涌动,它还是思想与行动的结合。生活中有各式各样的纪念,节日庆典是纪念,树碑立传是纪念,或种一棵树或写一篇文章也是纪念……形式或许不同,但意义同样真切。真正的纪念是心灵的回响,是历史的回音;它坚守信念,传递勇气;它珍藏感动,分享幸福;它审视过去,启迪未来……请以“纪念”为话题,写一篇文章。[注意]①所写内容必须在话题范围内;②立意自定;③文体自选;④题目自拟;⑤不少于800字;⑥不得抄袭。 Guangdong volume read the following text, according to the requirements of writing. Commemoration is a way to remember people for something. It can be a memory of the honors of the country and the nation, and a painful memorial for the past. It can also be a memory of the family and the individual’s memory of their friends and relatives. Commemoration is not like nostalgia. It is not just the surge of inner feelings. It is also a combination of thought and action. There are various kinds of commemorations in life. The festivals are commemorative. The monument is a monument, or planting a tree or writing an essay is also a commemoration. The form may be different, but the meaning is the same. The true commemoration is the reverberation of the soul and the echo of history; it adheres to faith and conveys courage; it is moved and shares happiness; it examines the past and enlightens the future... Please write an essay on the topic of “commemoration”. [Note] 1 The content of the writing must be within the scope of the topic; 2 is intended to be self-determined; 3 style is optional; 4 is self-proposal; 5 is not less than 800 characters; 6 cannot be copied.
一、纪念中国统计学会成立十周年 争取我国社会经济统计理论的基j峡破 李成瑞(5·1) 联系实际探讨理论的十年 岳巍(5.8) 继往和开来 王一夫(5.13) 为提高国情透明度而奋斗 黄
<正> 1989年3月11—14日,中国和民主德国的哲学学者在京举行了学术讨论会。这次讨论会是中国社会科学院和民主德国科学院学术交流合作协议的一部分,它标志着两国的友好交流发展到一个新的阶段。由于这次会议既是中、德两国,同时也是中国同东欧社会主义国家举行的首次哲学讨论会,因而
在美国“打的”,如果你坐副座,司机会一路与你谈笑风生;你若坐 在了后面,司机便板着脸一言不发。要知究竟 何故,这位先生将告诉你其中的奥秘。 W hen you take a taxi in the
浙江、福建省不久前相继出台了维护国防利益和军人军属合法权益法律保障工作的《若干规定(试行)》,在总结多年来的实践经验基础上,从组 Not long ago, Zhejiang and Fujian
ASchoolGardenTom:W illiam has asked m e for a loan of five pounds.Should I be doingright in lending itto him?Jack:Certainly.Tom:A nd why?Jack:Because otherwise