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[说明]此诗选自《陆游集》第一册第 195页(剑南诗稿卷七)。 [注释]①华山处士:陈搏的别号。陈搏(tuan)公元?—989年。宋真源人,字图南。先后隐居武当山、华山,自号扶摇子,宋太宗赐号希夷先生。宋人象数之学始于搏。著有《指玄篇》,言导养与还丹之事。处士:未仕或不仕的士人②睡方:睡眠的方法。前人所谓“睡功三昧”。“三昧”,佛教用语,意为“正定”,谓摒除杂念,心不散乱,走注一境。“三昧”也措奥妙;诀窍。陆游深懂睡中三昧,也写了许有关睡眠的诗。如“肩舆睡兀到东部,空有醉墨留衫痕”。睡兀,谓倦极而睡。“金丹九转顾未暇,且向人间称睡仙。”睡仙,称善睡的人,亦称闲散而得高卧的人。“春浓日永有佳处,睡味著人如蜜甜。”睡味,谓睡眠的趣味。“年光疾病占强半,日景睡眠居七分”。“化蝶飞时嗟昨梦,睡蛇去后喜安眠”。睡蛇,喻烦恼困扰、心绪不宁的精神状态。烦恼毒蛇,睡在汝心;睡蛇既出,乃可安眠。“酒杯不解为愁敌,书卷才开作睡媒。”睡媒,使人易睡的媒介。“年年睡债苦相关,好梦常随苦角残。”睡债,谓倦极必睡如欠债必偿。“衰极睡魔殊有力,愁多酒圣欲无功”。睡魔:谓使人昏睡的魔力。比喻强烈的睡意。 [Description] This poem is selected from “Lu Youji” first volume p. 195 (Jiannan poem volume seven). [Note] ① Huashan Advisor: Chen Bo’s alias. Chen Pu (tuan) AD - 989 years. Song Zhenyuan people, the word map south. He has retreated Wudang Mountains, Huashan, since the heyday, Song Taizong gave Mr. Xi Yi. The study of the figure of the Song began in the stroke. Author of “refers to Xuan chapter”, the words guide and also Dan things. Priests: unscrupulous or not Shi Shi disabilities ② sleep side: sleep method. Former so-called “sleep Samadhi.” “Samadhi”, Buddhist terms, which means “positive”, that exclude the distractions, the heart is not scattered, and take a note. “Samadhi” also measures mystery; know-how. Lu You deep sleep in Samadhi, also wrote about the sleep of poetry. Such as “Sleeping Sleeping awkward to the east, there is no ink drunk leaving shirts.” Sleeping Wu, said extremely tired and sleep. “Jindang nine turn for the rest of time, and to the world that sleeping.” Sleeping immortal, saying good sleep, also known as idle and high lying people. “Chun Nongri has always had a good place to sleep like a person sweet honey.” Sleeping taste, that the sleep of fun. “Disease accounted for a strong half, day sleep seven.” “Butterflies flying fly when yesterday morning dream, sleep after the snake to sleep hi.” Sleep snake, metaphor trouble troubled, restless mental state. Worry poisonous snake, sleep in your heart; sleep snake out, but sleep. “The glass is unhappy, and the book turns into a sleeping medium.” Sleeping media, a medium that makes people sleep easy. “Every year to sleep related to debt, dream often with bitter residual.” Sleep debt, that must sleep as much as debt must pay. “Bad and extremely sleepy magic, worry more wine and the Holy Retribution.” Sleeping magic: that make people sleepy magic. Analogy strong drowsiness.
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