
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshinewlm
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为进一步证实正常免疫力小鼠6天SRC法的可行性,本实验旨在探讨与免疫缺陷小鼠(裸裸)SRC法有无区别。将同一人体肿瘤移植于裸鼠和正常小鼠肾包膜下,观察移植瘤生长、病理形态变化以及化疗药物的影响。结果表明,同一人体肿瘤移植于裸鼠和正常小鼠肾包膜下短期内生长具有相平行趋势。6次实验对比,其中裸鼠肾包膜下移物阳性生长率50%,正常小鼠肾包膜下移植物阳性生长率66.7%,显示两鼠SRC方法用于人体肿瘤药物敏感测定的可行性。采用裸鼠11天,正常小鼠6天法测试了3例人体肿瘤,分别对3种化疗药物(ADM、5-Fu、CTX)测定有明显的相关性。组织学检查证实均保持了原来人体肿瘤特征,对药物作用有明显的反应。 In order to further confirm the feasibility of the 6-day SRC method in mice with normal immunity, this experiment was designed to investigate whether there is any difference between the immune-deficient mice (bare naked) and the SRC method. The same human tumor was transplanted into the subcapsule of the kidney of nude mice and normal mice, and the growth, pathological changes of the transplanted tumor and the influence of chemotherapeutic drugs were observed. The results showed that there was a parallel trend in the short-term growth of the same human tumor implanted in the kidney capsule of both nude mice and normal mice. Comparing 6 experiments, the positive growth rate of the renal capsule in nude mice was 50%, and the positive growth rate of the subrenal capsule in normal mice was 66.7%. This shows the feasibility of the two mouse SRC methods for the sensitive determination of human tumors. . Using nude mice for 11 days, normal mice were tested for 3 cases of human tumors by the 6-day method. There was a clear correlation between the three chemotherapy drugs (ADM, 5-Fu, and CTX). Histological examination confirmed that they all retained the characteristics of the original human tumors and had a clear response to the effects of drugs.
相信所有做过家务的人都明白清理缝隙中的灰尘是一件多么令人崩溃的事。我们这就告诉你许多巧妙的方法和特制的工具,让你轻而易举地对付深藏在缝隙孔洞中的灰尘与污垢。    我们为什么要清洁缝隙    这绝对不是专给有洁癖倾向的人看的文章,老生常谈的健康隐患我们也不再——赘述,如果你奉行眼不见为净的法则,那只需试想:某个闲适的午后,一束温暖的阳光恰好从窗口射入,暖入人心,而你穿着柔软的家居服慵懒地坐在电脑前
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