Formation and characteristics of soot from pyrolysis of ethylene blended with furan fuels

来源 :中国科学:技术科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyuaxl
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As two renewable oxygenated biofuels,2,5-dimethylfuran and 2-methylfuran (DMF and MF) have been considered to be two of the most potential fuels in the future due to the development of the second-generation biosynthetic technologies.The atmosphere pyrolysis experiments with 0%,25%,50%,75% and 100% replacement of ethylene by DMF/MF at 1173 and 1273 K were conducted.Collected soot samples were characterized by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to acquire their internal structure and oxidation reactivity.Results showed that soot mass was positively related with DMF addition ratios and the reaction temperature.Soot production was also enhanced when the MF addition ratio gradually increased from 0% to 75%.The influences of DMF addition can promote soot formation more obviously than MF.Temperatures showed a more significant influence on soot morphology than fuel types and DMF/MF addition ratios.For a fixed addition ratio of DMF/MF,soot showed liquid-like substances at 1173 K.At 1273 K,approximately round particles formed and linked together in chains.Moreover,at 1273 K,the aggregates obtained by adding MF contained more single particles,longer carbon chains,and larger projection area compared with the aggregates by adding same MF.For nanostructures,as the addition ratios of DMF/MF increased,as well as the reaction temperature improved,the fringe length of the carbon layer increased,the average fringe tortuosity decreased,and the stacking arrangement of soot became more orderly,the soot oxidation reactivity was lower.Under a same addition ratio and reaction temperature,soot obtained by adding DMF possessed slightly longer fringe length,smaller fringe tortuosity and lower oxidation reactivity than those of the soot obtained by adding MF.High correlation between fringe parameters and soot oxidation reactivity was discovered.The more ordered soot nanostructure,the longer fringe length,and the smaller fringe tortuosity could make the oxidation reactivity of soot get lower.
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目的总结EB病毒阳性晚期鼻咽癌患者行T细胞受体工程化T细胞(TCR-T)治疗的护理经验,为临床护理提供借鉴。方法对13例行TCR-T治疗的EB病毒阳性晚期鼻咽癌患者,做好TCR-T治疗的预处理护理、TCR-T输注护理;密切观察病情,及早发现异常及时有效处置;做好随访等。结果13例均顺利完成TCR-T治疗,治疗后28 d,3例疾病进展,10例病情稳定。结论精细全方位的护理有助于治疗顺利进行,同时降低或减轻不良反应。