
来源 :交通世界(建养.机械) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbswile
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展会现场,为共同推进行业科技能力创新建设,徐工集团工程机械股份有限公司和交通运输部科学研究院经友好协商,双方就加强公路筑养护科技领域合作与交流,达成战略合作框架协议。并现场签署合作书。为高效、务实地开展科技创新活动,促进科技创新活动与企业经营活动的高度融合,发挥徐工在筑养护机械产品的研发、制造等领域的优势,结合交科院的上市企业机制及交通应用研究和推广能力,双方加强交流沟通,深化双边合作,实现 On the scene of the exhibition, in order to jointly promote the innovation construction of science and technology in the industry, Xugong Group Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. and Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China held consultations on friendly cooperation. The two sides reached a strategic cooperation framework agreement on strengthening cooperation and exchange in the field of road construction, maintenance and technology. And the scene signed a cooperation book. In order to efficiently and pragmatically carry out scientific and technological innovation activities and promote scientific and technological innovation activities and business activities of a high degree of integration, play Xugong in the construction and maintenance machinery product development and manufacturing advantages in the field, combined with the listing mechanism and Transportation Research Institute And promote their capabilities. Both sides will step up exchanges and communication, deepen bilateral cooperation and realize it
2004年起,继北京、上海之后辽宁被列入今年新增的9个自行组织高考命题的省市之中。闻讯后各界人士和广大考生、家长持有怎样的态度呢?为此本刊记者进行了一次全面采访。 Sin
眼睛往往能看见最远也是最遥不可及的风景,却看不清一直陪在它身边且对它不离不弃的睫毛。 The eye can often see the farthest and most distant scenery, but can not se
我一直向往有那样一刻,每当手机响起的时候,阿飞就会奇迹般地出现,把最美的感觉带给我。然而,今天我的愿望终于实现了,原来它是一座小城。 I always look forward to that m