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  Jennifer Aniston may be one of the most gorgeous stars in Hollywood, but she was still humbled and “very, very flattered” when she heard the news that she was being named the Most Beautiful Woman in the World. “I thought, ‘Oh my God,’ ” she tells PEOPLE. “There was this sort of very excited, teenage kind of moment.”
  The actress, who says she’s learned to embrace her appearance over the years, insists she feels her best when she’s healthy and strong.
  Aniston, 48, was first motivated to start taking care of herself early on in her career after an agent told her she didn’t get a part because she was “too chubby”. “I was like, ‘What?!’ But my diet was terrible,” she says. “Milk shakes and French fries with gravy. It was a good thing to start paying attention.” Now the actress mixes it up by exercising at least six days a week for about an hour each day and watching her diet. But that doesn’t mean she won’t indulge in her favorites, from chips and guacamole to her husband Justin Theroux’s pasta carbonara, which they make together every couple of weeks, “I’m not as strict as I was,” she says. “It was always sort of a monitored watch. Then I thought just give yourself moderation.”
  So how does Aniston define beauty? “Inner confidence. Peace. Kindness. Honesty. A life well-lived,” she says. “Taking on challenges and not feeling shame for things that haven’t gone the way you felt they should have. And not feeling like a failure or allowing people to critique your life and make you feel like you’ve failed at something. That’s just toxic noise.”
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