【摘 要】
It was a sunny day.We went fishing. Dad opened the box of fishbait. "Which one will the fish want to eat today? "
It was a sunny day.We went fishing. Dad opened the box of fishbait. "Which one will the fish want to eat today? "
I led the way around to the front of the bank. As Samantha and Azizul reached the corner, we could hear voices. “Who are you?” Mr Ho was saying. “Where’s Eugene? And where’s my daughter?” “If yo
在并不遥远的未来,一艘外星飞船正在宇宙中航行,突然遭到了宇宙海盗的袭击,飞船受到严重损坏,机舱内装载的50多个“优玛”胶囊掉到了地球上. 注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
自《棒棒英语》课堂小作文比赛的消息发布以来,收到了天南海北的同学们的踊跃来稿,开心ing!上期栏目已经刊登了部分优秀作品,本期栏目继续放送中! In the morning, the cock calls,then people get up. Open the window and open the door, greet the new day. In the morning, the ai
小时候的林丹最喜欢过春节了和家人吃完团圆饭,他就跟一帮小伙伴出去放鞭炮他又是跳又是笑,乐得连新衣服被溅出的火星烧出了洞都不知道,回到家里自然要挨老爸老妈一顿骂 最让林丹难忘的是他独自过的第一个春节那时他才12岁,刚被八一队招入部队首长为了安慰林丹和别的孩子,组织了一个盛大的晚会,既有节目表演又有抽奖,还让林丹放了一串鞭炮呢! Lin Dan Nickname:Super Dan Bir
数字,是我们生活中不可缺少的组成部分,对英语学习来说也是如此本期棒棒小子将带领大家进入数字王国这个王国非常大,今天我们要造访的是“基数词”这个重要部落 什么是基数词呢?One, two, three...这些大家不陌生吧?对了,我们数数的时候用的数字就是基数词瞧,谁来欢迎我们了? 真是很有性格的基数词朋友吧!看看下面的句子是否真的验证了它们的性格呢? 1.Katherine has
One day, my grandpa found a job at the zoo. 一天,我爷爷在动物园找了一份工作 “As you know, school holidays start soon. It is our busiest time,” said the manager from the zoo. “Our African gorilla is the animal s
①A man has a donkey and a little dog. ②The donkey lives in a warm, clean stable. ③And it has hay and water. ④The little dog lives in the house. ⑤It sits on the man’s knees in the evening and sleep
在左边的图中,找到周围这些物品吧。看谁眼力最好!当然,也别忘了记住这些单词哟 注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
koko/图 大家都知道,老鼠和猫天生就是冤家。有这么一窝老鼠,因为怕猫,好几天都不敢出洞觅食,饿得他们都快咽气了。听,他们正在讨论对策呢。
Dad heard music. “Were you making music?” “Not me,”Mum said. “Were you making music?” “I was making a bridge.” “I was making food.” 注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文