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微笑着,我们向您走来。来自大理州地方税务局直征分局。走街串巷,翻山越岭,下企业,进工地,栉风沐雨,历尽艰辛,我们走过了十年的创建之路。往日的脚印如果能装订成一部书,那每一页就是一个税企鱼水情深的感人故事;往日的脚步声如果能录制成乐曲,那每一乐章就是一段创业者无悔奉 Smile, we come to you. From Dali Prefecture Local Taxation Bureau Direct Branch. Walking through the streets, over the mountains, the next business, into the construction site, wind and rain, experienced hardships, we have gone through a decade of creation. If the footprints of the past can be bound into a book, then every page is a tax-rich fish and water touching story; past footsteps if you can record into music, then every movement is a section of entrepreneurs without regret
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51.The teacher said to Li Lei,“Be careful,you missed “f’’in word“diferent”.” A.an…the B.a…a C.an…a D.a…the 52.There is——apple on the table.——appl
趣味阅读理解 Mr Black lives in a small town. He found work in afactory after he left the army (军队).He worked harduntil his wife died. And he felt lonely and
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因审题不细而造成解题失误是一些同学易犯的错误。 例.若函数y=(a~2+4a-5)x~2-4(a-1)x+3的图象都在x轴的上方,则实数a的取值范围是( )。 (A)1
单一选择题是数学考试的主要题型之一,它的特点是:在给出的几个答案中,有且只有一个正确,根据这一特征,在解答选择题时,常用以下几种解法。1 直接法 从已知条件开始,经过推
毕业卷jjJi子畦:H一1 C一12 N—14 0~一16 Na一23 Mg一24 S一32 Cl一35.5 一、选择题(本题J030分) {lj题八有一个Ⅱ三确答案,将儿标号填祚括哆内.每瓤2分. j.p’列变化巾,槭j: