
来源 :石河子科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangchaohui
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随着科学技术的日新月异,地膜覆盖技术亦呈现出蓬勃发展的良好势头。据资料介绍,自1981年我区试验推广地膜栽培技术的九年间,我区地膜覆盖面积就达400~500万亩,覆盖作物种类达八种之多。同时,地膜本身亦由单一型向多功能型转变,呈现出良好的发展前景。本文仅就我团近几年来引进试验的三种特殊农用地膜新品种逐一进行简介,以供参考。 1、光敏降解膜:简称光解膜,由石河子塑料制品总厂提供,分别为“91—2#”、“91—3#”、“91—4#”、“91—5#”四个型号。膜厚0.008毫米,膜宽60厘米。设普通膜为对照,共设5个处理,随机排列,重复三次,共15个小区,小区面积36平方米。试验设在148团6连68号棉田,供试品种为新陆早一号。播种铺膜时间为4月25日。观察项目分始裂期、初裂期、大裂期及崩解期四个时期。观察结果表明:四种型号地膜均能光解,且都是先横向裂解,后随裂口增多破裂呈 With the rapid development of science and technology, the technology of mulching film has shown a good momentum of vigorous development. According to the introduction of information, in the nine years since 1981, when we experimented with film mulching cultivation in our district, the area of ​​mulching film in our district reached 4 to 5 million mu and the coverage of crops reached as many as 8 species. At the same time, the film itself also changed from single type to multi-function type, showing a good prospect for development. This article only on my group in recent years to introduce the test of three kinds of special new varieties of agricultural film one by one for reference. 1, Photodegradable film: referred to as photolytic film, provided by the Shihezi Plastic Products Factory, respectively, “91-2 #”, “91-3 #”, “91-4 #”, “91-5 #” four model. Film thickness of 0.008 mm, film width of 60 cm. Set a normal film as a control, a total of five treatments, random arrangement, repeated three times, a total of 15 residential area of ​​36 square meters. Test set in 148 groups 6 even 68 cotton fields, the test varieties Xinluo early on the 1st. Sowing film time for the April 25. Observed the project points initial cracking, early cracking, cracking and disintegration period of four periods. The observation results show that all the four types of film can be photolyzed, and both are first transversely cracked and then cracked
萘替芬对23株(18种)实验室保存的致病真菌的抑菌作用与咪康唑和克霉唑比较表明,萘替芬MIC范围为0.01 ̄6.25/L,而咪康唑和克霉唑MIC范围为0.08 ̄12.5mg/L。萘替芬临床观察结果表明,1℅萘替芬软膏每日二次,连续2 ̄4周,治疗体股癣