为了协调各成员国在民商事案件中的管辖权冲突,并确保各成员国法院作出的判决能够在其他成员国得到承认和执行,欧盟早在1968年就制定了《关于民商事案件的管辖与判决执行的布鲁塞尔公约》(Brussels Convention on Jurisdictionand Enforcement in Civil and CommeercialMatters)(以下简称《布鲁塞尔公约》)。然而,近半个世纪以来,由于经济、政治等条件的变化,《布鲁塞尔公约》虽几经修改,但仍然不能适应现实社会的需要。因此,欧盟议会于2000年12月22日又通过了《民商事案件的管辖及判决的承认与执行规则》(Council Regulation on Jurisdiction
In order to coordinate the conflicts of jurisdiction between the member states in civil and commercial cases and to ensure that judgments made by the courts of member states can be recognized and enforced in other member states, the EU established the Regulation on the Civil and Commercial Cases in 1968 Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement in Civil and Commeercial Matters “(hereinafter referred to as the” Brussels Convention “). However, for nearly half a century, due to changes in conditions such as economic and political conditions, the Brussels Convention has not been adapted to the needs of the real world despite its many modifications. Therefore, on December 22, 2000, the EU Parliament passed the ”Council Regulation on Jurisdiction (Judgment and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Cases) Regulations"