深入学习邓小平教育思想 坚定不移地发展电大的开放办学

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深入学习邓小平教育思想坚定不移地发展电大的开放办学□任为民邓小平理论是指导我国改革开放、实现社会主义现代化的正确理论,党的十五大进一步确立了它的重要地位,全国人民正在高举这面旗帜,完成建设有中国特色社会主义跨世纪的历史任务。邓小平教育思想是邓小平理论... Deepening the study of Deng Xiaoping’s educational thoughts Unswervingly developing the TV University’s open-running school Letting the people serve the people Deng Xiaoping Theory is the correct theory that guides China’s reform and opening up and socialist modernization. The party’s 15th National Party Congress has further established its important position and the entire nation is holding high this Face the banner, the completion of the historic task of building socialism with Chinese characteristics across the century. Deng Xiaoping’s educational thought is Deng Xiaoping Theory ...
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