If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand, and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have? 你一只手里有三个苹果和四个橘子,另一只手里有四个苹果和三个橘子,请问你有什么?
Very large hands!非常大的双手!
The San Antonio River flows in which state?圣安东尼奥河流进哪个州?
Liquid state.液体状态。
In which battle did Napoleon die?拿破仑死于哪场战役?
His last battle.他最后一场。
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?美国《独立宣言》是在哪里签署的?
At the bottom of the the page.在页面的底部。
If you throw a red stone into the blue sea, what it will become?如果把红色的石头丢进蓝色大海里,会变成什么样?
It will simply become wet.石头会变湿。
How can you lift an elephant with one hand?怎么才能用一只手举起大象?
You will never find an elephant that has only one hand. 你应该找不到只有一只手的大象吧。
注:是lift with one hand“用一只手举起” ,不是elephant with one hand“一只手的大象” 哦,孩子,你语法看来也学得挺好的。
What looks like half an apple?什么东西和半个苹果长得像?
The other half.另外半个。
Very large hands!非常大的双手!
The San Antonio River flows in which state?圣安东尼奥河流进哪个州?
Liquid state.液体状态。
In which battle did Napoleon die?拿破仑死于哪场战役?
His last battle.他最后一场。
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?美国《独立宣言》是在哪里签署的?
At the bottom of the the page.在页面的底部。
If you throw a red stone into the blue sea, what it will become?如果把红色的石头丢进蓝色大海里,会变成什么样?
It will simply become wet.石头会变湿。
How can you lift an elephant with one hand?怎么才能用一只手举起大象?
You will never find an elephant that has only one hand. 你应该找不到只有一只手的大象吧。
注:是lift with one hand“用一只手举起” ,不是elephant with one hand“一只手的大象” 哦,孩子,你语法看来也学得挺好的。
What looks like half an apple?什么东西和半个苹果长得像?
The other half.另外半个。