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要想使视觉新闻具有绘画美,可以从绘画艺术中吸取营养。学习和借鉴中国古代绘画艺术的经验和表现方法,对于我们克服当前新闻写作中抽象、空洞、干癟无味的缺陷,是大有裨益的。绘画艺术要求“图真”,也就是五代时期山水画家荆浩在《笔法记》里指出的:“度物象而取其真”。这一点,与新闻是客观事物的真实反映有共同之处。新闻的生命在于真实,视觉新闻的绘画美也必须建立在真实的基础上。美离不开真,新闻描绘的“画面”只有真实,才能让人信服,从而产生美感。那种为了追求生动而不顾真实性原则的作法是必须坚决杜绝的。曾经被评为全国好新闻的《钱被风刮跑以后》,尽管情节生动,文字语言有很强的画面感,但结果一查,新闻事实是虚构的。这种披着华丽外衣的假报道,虽然也能取悦读者于一时,但最终会被读者所唾弃。南朝画家谢赫在《古画品录》中,把“气韵生 To make visual news with the beauty of painting, you can learn from the art of painting. Studying and drawing lessons from the experience and expression methods of ancient Chinese painting art is of great help to us in overcoming the abstract, empty and wicked flaws in current news writing. Painting art requires “pictorial truth”, that is, Jing Hao, a landscape painter of the Five Dynasties period, pointed out in “The Writing of Styles of Writing”: “degree of image and its true.” This is in common with the true reflection that news is an objective thing. The life of the news lies in the fact that the beauty of the painting of the visual news must also be based on the real. The United States can not live without truth. The “picture” portrayed in the news can only be convincing if it is real, thus creating a sense of beauty. The practice of pursuing the vivid and disregard of the principle of truth must be resolutely put an end to it. Once “money has been run by the wind”, which was once voted as a good news item in the country, despite the plot vividness and the language of the written language, there is a strong sense of the picture. However, as a result, the facts of the news are fictional. This false report in a gorgeous coat, although it can please readers for a while, will eventually be discarded by readers. Southern painter Sheikh in the “old painting catalog”, "Qiyun students
本文研究了青鲜素作为甜菜增糖剂的试验,结果表明,在66.7克/亩,8月20日左右施药时,平均可增产0.58—5.54%,增加块根含糖率0.55—1.0%,每亩增加蔗糖35—42.5斤。 In this paper
Xanthatin is a natural sesquiterpene lactone purified from Xanthium strumarium L,which has shown prominent antitumor activity against a variety of cancer cells.
棉花是世界性的重要经济作物之一,也是主要的天然纤维作物。中国也是世界上最大的纺织品生产国和消费国。陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)和海岛棉(G.barbadense L.)是棉花的2个四倍体栽培种,陆地棉产量高,纤维品质中等,海岛棉产量低但纤维细强,陆地棉的遗传改良中最主要的问题是遗传基础狭窄的限制。为了拓宽陆地棉的遗传基础,将海岛棉的优良基因向陆地棉高效转移渗透,本研究以陆地
玉米(Zea mays L.)是世界上最早利用杂种优势的作物之一,利用杂种优势大幅度提高产量一直是玉米育种的首选技术路线。明确亲本自交系产量因子模式及其与杂交种的杂种优势模式的关系,对于杂种优势的利用中亲本的选配具有重要的指导意义。本研究选用我国不同年代具有较高影响力的玉米杂交种30个及其亲本自交系36个。研究了玉米杂交种主要农艺性状50多年来的演变规律及其与产量的关系,明确各主要农艺性状对产量构
As the most powerful antigen-presenting cell type,dendritic cells (DCs) can induce potent antigen-specific immune responses in vivo,hence becoming optimal cell
关于种子萌发逆境生理的研究,可追溯到上世纪初 De Saussure 在人工摸拟干旱条件下不同作物的种子萌发试验。此后,许多学者相继作了一系列的研究工作。本世纪50年代,70年代,