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“撒尔嗬”是鄂西南清江流域土家人为亡人举行的一种以歌舞为载体的丧葬仪式,这种“哀而不伤”的丧葬仪礼在当地社会中具有重要的社会意义。本文深入调查研究了巴东“撒尔嗬”现代变迁的表现形式,并从文化互动的视角进行分析阐释。随着基层社会的变迁、民间丧鼓队的出现等因素使得“撒尔嗬”在地域分布、人员结构、表现形式、文化信仰及社会功能方面发生了较大变迁。族际通婚及汉族融入当地社会的实际需要等使巴东局部地区的汉族采用土家“撒尔嗬”丧葬习俗,巴东“撒尔嗬”已从土家族文化发展成为当地土家族、汉族共有的区域性文化。 “Salling ” is a funeral ceremony carried out by song and dance held by Tujia people living in the Qingjiang River valley in the southwest of Hubei Province. Such a funeral ceremony of “sorrow without injury” is of great importance to the local community Social Significance. This article investigates and studies the manifestations of the modern vicissitudes of Patong ’s “Sall ”, and analyzes and interprets from the perspective of cultural interaction. With the changes of the grassroots society and the emergence of folk moguits, many factors have changed such as geographical distribution, personnel structure, manifestations, cultural beliefs and social functions. Ethnic intermarriage and the integration of Han into the local community’s actual needs make the local people of Badong use the Tujia and Sallian funeral customs and the Badong Sarqa have evolved from Tujia culture to Tujia , Han regional culture common to all.
营养性佝偻病是维生素D缺乏所致的钙、磷代谢障碍和骨骼异常。有关其环境因素 ,包括营养因素的致病原因目前基本得到肯定 ,但对其遗传学方面的致病机制探讨较少。维生素D受体
General Since the reform and opening up, the Auto Clutch Industry has made a great progress by means of reorganization, development and expansion, which can be
The rupture behavior of electron beam physical vapour deposition(EBPVD) Ni/Ni_3Al microlaminates composites subjected to tensile load were studied through the n
摘 要: 通过对健康体适能教学的理论与应用研究,并将其在高职航空安检专业体育课中进行对比教学实验,结果表明:在体育课中开展健康体适能教学对提高学生的心肺功能、肌肉力量和柔韧性等有积极的影响。  关键词: 健康体适能教学 安检专业 实验研究  体适能最早由美国人于上世纪60年代末提出。1971年,美国体育与竞技委员会给出的体适能定义被普遍接受,它是指个人以旺盛的精力执行每天的事务而
法洛四联症 (TOF)缺氧发作是影响TOF患儿生存质量的常见急症。其发作诱因和机制尚不十分清楚。现回顾性分析155例缺氧发作TOF患儿临床资料 ,探讨TOF缺氧发作的相关诱因和发生