
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:larry_john
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在汽车维修中,会经常遇到汽车前轮摆振的疑难故障。由于造成汽车前轮摆振的原因很多,遇此故障后,有时一次进厂难以排除,有的需反复好几次才能彻底解决。特别是中、小型汽车,使用超过一次大修后,出现前轮摆振的故障较多,一些维修人员对此感到棘手。经过我们长时间的实践和摸索,体会到汽 In the car repair, will often encounter the car front wheel shimmy trouble failure. As a result of the car front-wheel shimmy for many reasons, in the event of failure, sometimes a time difficult to rule out into the plant, and some need to be repeated several times in order to completely solve. In particular, small and medium-sized cars, the use of more than one overhaul, there is more failure of the front wheel shimmy, some maintenance staff feel difficult. After our long practice and exploration, feel the steam
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