
来源 :中国公共卫生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coffeedoly
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作者报告建立和应用包括单克隆抗体结合免疫荧光、蛋白免疫印迹、DNA同源性杂交、DNA酶切图谱、脂肪酸气-质谱及免疫电镜在内的一套分子立克次体学方法,对我国蜱传斑点热立克次体病进行了分子流行病学研究。结果:(1)证明在新疆精河县、内蒙呼盟陈旗及北京昌平县存在北亚蜱传斑点热(北亚热)的自然疫源地;(2)在我国首次从北亚热病人中分离出西伯利亚立克次体(An-84,Se-85、W-88 3株),从草原革蜱(FT-84、MT-84 2株),中华革蜱(BJ-90 1株),草原革蜱蜱卵(TO-85 1株)也分离出同一性质立克次体,自易感人群、传播媒介和传染源3个环节中都找到了病原学证据;(3)在种的水平上研究了上述7株分离株和1株国内参考株(草原革蜱JH-74株),在分类学上确定了它们均属立克次体属、斑点热群、西伯利亚立克次体种(Rickettsia sibirica)。在我国东经80~135°,北纬40~50°广大地理范围内,用分子流行病学方法,确证和新发现了一个病种——北亚蜱传斑点热(North Asia Tick Borne Spotted Fever)。 The authors report the establishment and application of a set of molecular Rickettsia science methods including monoclonal antibody binding immunofluorescence, western blotting, DNA homology hybridization, DNA digestion mapping, fatty acid gas-mass spectrometry and immunoelectron microscopy, Tickspecies hot rickettsial disease molecular epidemiology. Results: (1) It is proved that there exists a natural foci of northern tick-blotch fever (NEA) in Jinghe County, Inner Mongolia, Huimin Chenqi, Inner Mongolia and Changping County, Beijing; (2) (3 strains of An-84, Se-85 and W-88) were isolated from the genus Siberian rickettsiae (FT-84, MT-84 2) (TO-85 1 strain) also isolated rickettsiae of the same nature, and found etiological evidence from the three links of susceptible population, vector and source of infection; (3) The above seven isolates and one domestic reference strain (JH-74 strain) were studied horizontally, and they were classified as Rickettsia, Spotted fever, Siberian rickettsia (Rickettsia sibirica). A molecular species epidemic, North Asia Tick Borne Spotted Fever, was confirmed and newly discovered in our country with a longitude of 80 ~ 135 ° E and 40 ~ 50 ° N.
[目的] 探讨腹部穴位按摩联合改良隔姜灸在治疗脾胃虚寒型胃脘痛的临床有效性.[方法] 采用随机分组原则,将100例脾胃虚寒型胃脘痛患者,分为试验组和对照组,各50例.对照组给予
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