因水制宜 大办水力茶叶初制厂

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嵊县北山人民公社是四面环山、山峦起伏、溪泉縱横的深山区,以珠茶聞名全国。几年来在党的正确領导下,在党的建設社会主义总路线光輝照耀下,茶叶生产也和其他各項生产一样,获得了飞跃的发展,1959年全社共产干茶25,300担,比大跃进的1958年增長17%,比解放前增長了三倍。茶叶生产的发展,給山区人民生活帶來了莫大的幸福,有力地支援了国家建設。随着工农业生产全面大跃进和茶叶生产的迅速发展,特別由于茶叶生产季节性强,技术性高,采、制茶季节往往又是农忙期,因此有劳力过于集中現象,为解决这个問題,1959年4月間,公社党委算了一笔 Shengshan Beishan People’s Commune is a mountainous area surrounded by mountains, undulating hills and streams and vertical and horizontal streams and rivers and is famous all over the country with Zhucha. In the past few years, under the correct leadership of the party and under the brilliant shining of the party’s general line of building socialism, tea production has also made leaps and bounds, just like any other production. In 1959, the whole society produced 25,300 dry teas, down from the Great Leap Forward An increase of 17% in 1958 and a tripling of that before liberation. The development of tea production has brought great happiness to the people in the mountains and has effectively supported the construction of the country. With the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production in an all-round way and the rapid development of tea production, in particular because of the seasonal production of tea leaves and the high technical level, the season of mining and tea making is often a busy period, so the labor force is too concentrated. To solve this problem, in 1959 In April, the commune party committee calculated a sum
Novell公司于近日发布了一份报告,对与存储文件有关的合规成本进行了量化分析。这些文件也被称为非结构化数据。该项独立分析工作是由Ponemon Institute实施的,Ponemon Insti
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洗衣机是家用电器设备,它既可节省洗衣时间,又可减轻繁重的家务劳动,因此越来越受到人们的欢迎。这里,介绍一下它的使用与保养:洗衣机要安放平稳, Washing machines are ho
电饭锅的特点是使用安全、用电省和清洁卫生。不仅可煮饭、煮粥,还能烧水炖、菜和煮牛奶豆浆等。现将电饭锅的选购和使用知识介绍如下: 选购:首先应根据家庭人口和所需用饭
皖南歙县黄山人民公社长潭大队,为了确保茶叶丰收,社员特别注意山地茶园的灌溉防旱工作,他們除了兴建山頂高水库和实行自流灌溉外,在1958年首創了“高空自动提水器”。 長潭