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展开这个命题之前,先得说说什么是“企业文化”。人未入门,扑面而来的堂扁即刻令人肃然:“同修仁德,济世养生”。敦敦八字,言简意赅:修仁修德,寓意经营之道;济世养生,乃示行业宗旨。取“同仁”二字,立堂前示人,看似于自然间成就了店牌,实则隐大志于牌铭之中。同仁堂这个幌儿屹立于杏林三百余年不改调儿,这其中文化的魅力,怎不叫人一拍三叹!诚然,一个公司的商号或商品的牌名并非是企业文化的全部。三百年间,中国的商人从晋商、徽商到胡雪岩、荣毅仁,从李嘉诚、王永庆到张瑞敏、任正非、王石,等等商界泰斗和当红巨星,在他们商号(公司)的中堂上,无不悬挂着铭志的格言;(当代企业)在他们公司的章程和经营管理规章中,无不明示着企业所崇尚的做人做事准则和追求的目标。由此我们可以确定,铭志、准则、目标等等彰显道德追求和行为规范的内容,应是企业文化所张扬的主流理念。亦即学者们所称的“企业价值观”。何谓企业伪文化?一正一反。就是企业所宣扬的价值主张,与其实际行为不相一致甚至完全相悖的现象。子曰:“伪者,貌以善,实则欺”。欺,就是欺骗;假的。而企业因何要(能)生出假的文化来呢?本文试以解析并期以抛砖引玉。 Before starting this proposition, first talk about what is “corporate culture”. When the people are not inducted, the stunned face of the church is instantly awe-inspiring: “The fellow initiates, Renshi health”. Dun Dun Bazi, concise and concise: repairing morals and morals, meaning the way of business; economics and health, is to show the purpose of the industry. Take the word “cohort” and stand in front of the church. It seems that a store card was created in nature, but in fact it is hidden in the brand name. Tong Ren Tang, a nephew, stands in Xinglin for more than 300 years and does not change his tune. The charm of culture cannot be beaten and sighed. It is true that the name of a firm’s trade name or commodity is not the entire corporate culture. During the three hundred years, Chinese businessmen from Shanxi Merchants, Huizhou Merchants to Hu Xueyan, and Rong Yiren, from Li Ka-shing, Wang Yongqing to Zhang Ruimin, Ren Zhengfei, Wang Shi, and many other business leaders and popular stars, all in their company (company) nave. The maxims of Mingzhi; (contemporary enterprises) in their company’s articles of association and management regulations, all clearly indicate the principles of life and the pursuit of the enterprise. From this, we can determine that the content of moral ambitions and behavioral norms that underscores the principles, goals, objectives, etc., should be the mainstream concepts advocated by corporate culture. That is what scholars call “corporate values.” What is a corporate pseudo-culture? It is the phenomenon that the value proposition advocated by the company is inconsistent or even totally contrary to its actual behavior. Zi Wei: “Forgery, appearance is good, in fact, bullying ”. Bullying is fraud; false. Why does the company have to produce a fake culture?
身临其境:偏重于自身,自己进入“境”内。设身处地:偏重于别人,自己游离“境”外。 Immersive: emphasis on their own, into the “territory” within. Put yourself in: