
来源 :公安学刊(浙江警察学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxc717
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拱墅区分局“警情常量指导主动警务”这一创新举措,是根据拱墅区的民生、民安需求和公安工作的时代主题即现代主动警务这一课题提出来的,既是贯彻落实科学发展观的具体实践,又是自觉践行省厅党委“两个最大”理念的生动体现。其特点是突出了创新、来源于客观、强调了主动、方便于操作,要肯定成绩,继续走改革创新之路。“警情常量指导主动警务”工作模式还存在一些不足,要正视问题,进一步提升科学性、完善配套机制、抓好总结提炼,在实践中不断发展完善。做精、做强“警情常量指导主动警务”这一品牌,要在深化警务信息应用、严密治安防控体系、推进社区警务建设、构建和谐警民关系上下功夫,同步推进各项公安工作。 Gongshu District Branch “Police Constable Constant Police Police ” This innovative measure is based on Gongshu District people’s livelihood, public security needs and public security work of the times that the theme of modern active policing this issue put forward, both The concrete practice of implementing the scientific concept of development is a vivid manifestation of conscientiously implementing the party committee of the provincial government and the government and the concept of “two greatest”. Its characteristics are highlighted innovation, from the objective, emphasizing the initiative, easy to operate, to affirmative achievements, continue to take the road of reform and innovation. There are still some shortcomings in the work mode of “police constance guidance active police service”. We should face up to the problem, further enhance the scientific nature, improve the supporting mechanism, do a good job of summarizing and refining, and constantly develop and perfect in practice. We should make every effort to deepen the application of police information, tighten the public order prevention and control system, promote community policing and build a harmonious relationship between the police and the people, Public security work.
对赌协议即"估值调整机制(Valuation Adjustment Mechanism(VAM))",是指投资者(委托方)与融资者(代理方)对于企业未来经营绩效的不确定性"暂不争议".而是约定:根据运营的实际
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are being deployed for a wide variety of applications and the security problems of them have received considerable attention. Co