
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyanqing
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根据我们对我省西部地区乡镇企业现状的调查,对照乡镇企业发展先进地区的经验,现就其发展策略提出以下几点思考。一、认清县情,实事求是,真抓实干。全国及我省经济发达县市的发展过程为我省西部区域发展乡镇企业提供了宝贵经验。但不能照搬外省、外地、外单位的经济,只能准确地认清和看准最适合本县发展的生长点,以此为依托,围绕生长点大力发展乡镇企业。我省西部区域和东部区域相比,地处内陆交通不便,信息闭塞,经济基础差,人们思想观念陈旧,小农意识浓厚,改革开放起步较晚。然而其资源丰富,尤其各种矿山资源,山林资源的种类和储量占我省自然 According to our investigation of the current situation of the township enterprises in the western region of our province and the experience of township and village enterprises in the development of advanced regions, we now propose the following points on our development strategy. First, recognize the situation in the county, seek truth from facts, and do real work. The development of economically developed counties and cities throughout the country and in our province has provided valuable experience for the development of township enterprises in the western region of our province. However, the economy of other provinces, regions, and foreign units cannot be copied, and only the growth points that are most suitable for the development of the county can be accurately identified and spotted. Based on this, the township and village enterprises will be vigorously developed around the growing point. Compared with the eastern region of our province, the inland transportation is inconvenient, the information is obstructed, the economic foundation is poor, people’s ideas are old, the small-scale farmers have a strong sense, and the reform and opening up started relatively late. However, its resources are abundant, especially various mine resources. The types and reserves of forest resources account for the province’s natural resources.
新一轮猪周期已经启动,加上今年以来货币的持续宽松,引发市场对未来通胀上行的担忧。历史上猪周期的长度和波幅,除了遵循传统的猪周期理论外,还受一些新的不可控因素影响,此轮猪周期有什么特别之处?未来猪价和通胀该何去何从?货币政策会如何应对?本文从猪周期的视角入手,对以上问题作出分析。  1.猪价对我国CPI 有重要影响。2012 至2014 年猪肉占CPI 的权重分别为3.27%、3.2%和3.15%。
Ma ruman2013新品上市发布会于3月13日在丸万上海旗舰店举行。2013年Maruman七款新产品将陆续全新登场:包括重视飞行的MAJESTY Royal-LV;兼有力量和美感的MAJESTY VANQUISH-X
马鼻疽是畜类传染病,偶使人感染。人类马鼻疽国内报告甚少,1961年前先后报道20例,近十余年来国内未见报道,新疆产马区尚无病例报告。现将我院收治一例报告如下: 张××,男性
本文首先定性描述了汽车驾驶员必须具备的身体素质,然后用多元统计分析方法对测试结果进行统计分析.文中提出的方法可供制定汽车驾驶员职业适应性标准参考. This paper first q
第五届国际肝病学术会议(V Internatianal Congress of Liver Diseases)主要报告和讨论了《病毒与肝脏》,即病毒性肝炎研究进展。现根据各国代表在大会中的发言和讨论的内容