
来源 :北京航空航天大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:string_lau
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针对现有的弹载合成孔径雷达(SAR)大斜视算法所处理的斜视角度受限,传统的后向投影(BP)算法运算量大以及已有的快速后向投影算法不能进行并行处理等问题,提出了一种适于并行处理的近前视弹载SAR的改进后向投影算法.首先根据近前视弹载SAR的几何关系,建立回波信号模型,然后在距离方向上对弹载SAR扫描场景进行等间隔分割,在合并子孔径的同时分裂图像,达到所需图像精度时停止合并和分裂,再相干叠加反向投影到扫描场景的分割小区域内的回波,这样就会得到扫描区域的弹载SAR图像.对于各个条带可以采取并行处理来分别成像,可以进一步提高成像速度.最后利用仿真回波数据和实测回波数据对本文改进算法进行验证,通过与其他算法的比较,证明了本文改进算法可以处理高达86°的近前视场景,并且处理速度大大快于传统BP算法的处理速度,再配合并行处理划分的条带,处理速度会快于现有的改进BP算法的处理速度. In view of the limitation of the strabismus angle, the traditional back projection (BP) algorithm and the existing rapid backward projection algorithm, which can not be dealt with in parallel, such as the large squinting algorithm of the conventional spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) , An improved backward projection algorithm for near-front sight-borne SAR is proposed, which is suitable for parallel processing.Firstly, according to the geometric relation of near-front-borne SAR, the echo signal model is established, and then the range- Split at equal intervals, merge the sub-aperture while splitting the image, to achieve the required image precision to stop merging and splitting, and then coherently superimposed back projection of the echo into the small area of ​​the scanning scene, which will get the scanning area of ​​the bomb SAR images.For each strip can be taken to parallel processing of imaging, can further improve the imaging speed.Finally, the simulation echo data and measured echo data to verify the improved algorithm in this paper, compared with other algorithms, it is proved that this article The improved algorithm can process near-frontal scene up to 86 °, and the processing speed is much faster than that of the traditional BP algorithm. Combined with the parallel processing plan Points of the strip, the processing speed will be faster than the existing improved BP algorithm processing speed.
呼吸机相关肺炎(VAP)的发病机制与多种因素有关,主要包括呼吸道与全身防御机制受损, 口咽部定植菌""误吸” (aspiration), 胃、十二指肠定植菌逆行和易位,吸入(inhalation),细菌生物被膜(biofilm;BF)形成等[1].
目的 探讨症状指数(SI)诊断胃食管反流性咳嗽(GERC)的价值及其诊断临界值.方法 回顾性分析1 18例可疑GERC患者的多通道食管腔内阻抗-pH监测记录,结合日记卡分别计算总SI、酸反流SI和非酸反流SI,根据药物抗反流治疗效果,评估SI对GERC的诊断价值,并与症状相关概率(SAP)的诊断效率进行比较.结果 100例(84.7%)确诊为GERC.以总SI诊断GERC时,诊断临界值为“≥45%
神经源性尿路功能障碍( neurogenic urinary tract dysfunc-tion,NUTD)是指与排尿有关的中枢或外周神经受到损伤后导致的尿路功能障碍,反流性上尿路损害是其重要并发症,与下尿路继发性尿动力学高危因素导致的膀胱内高压状态有关[1]。但是,部分通过治疗使膀胱获得低压储尿和排尿功能的患者,也会发生上尿路损害[2]。最近的研究发现,神经和体液因素均可对输尿管活动有重要调节
环氧化酶(cyclooxygenase,COX)是前列腺素(prostaglandin, PG)合成过程中的重要限速酶,是一种膜结构蛋白,能将花生四烯酸代谢成各种前列腺素类(PGs)物质.COX分为COX-l和COX-2两个亚型.COX-l为结构型酶,在大多数正常细胞中(胃、肾、血小板和内皮细胞)呈稳定表达,其编码基因为管家基因,其催化产生的PGs参与维持机体正常的生理机能,如保护胃黏膜细胞、调节