
来源 :搏击(武术科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyxdaisy
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文章对少数民族传统体育文化在构建和谐社会中的价值进行了深入剖析和研究。研究认为新疆少数民族传统体育对于维护新疆稳定、维护民族团结、促进经济发展、构建和谐人际关系以及营造良好的自然环境等方面,对构建和谐社会的进程中具有重要价值。研究少数民族传统体育文化和谐理念及其所体现的价值,对构建社会主义和谐社会有着重要的理论和实践上的借鉴作用,有助于推动和谐社会的建设。 The article deeply analyzes and studies the value of ethnic minority traditional sports culture in building a harmonious society. It is concluded that the traditional sports of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang is of great value to the process of building a harmonious society in terms of maintaining stability in Xinjiang, safeguarding national unity, promoting economic development, building harmonious interpersonal relationships and creating a good natural environment. Studying the harmonious concept of traditional sports culture of ethnic minorities and its embodied values ​​have important theoretical and practical references for building a harmonious socialist society and are conducive to promoting the building of a harmonious society.
2009年8~11月,对印度尼西亚阿拉弗拉海域丝鳍鲳和似乌鲳的群体特征进行了调查研究.结果表明:丝鳍鲳体长范围为13.2~26.l cm,优势体长组为20.0~24.0 cm,占总数的95.69%.体长小于2
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