
来源 :现代焊接 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wy85396021
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“十年风雨路,铸就焊接魂”。《现代焊接》杂志自2000年创刊以来,历时十年风雨历程,她积淀着业界浓厚的人脉,她触摸着业界前进的脉搏,她以“引领行业,成就卓越现代企业”为己任,风雨兼程走到今天,其间的事件、故事、变化……承载着焊接人的拳拳之心。公元2010年,《现代焊接》迎来了10周岁的生日。十年成长,感谢您一路的呵护与支持!值此10周岁生日之际,我们诚邀广大读者和所有焊接工作者一起共同见证《现代焊接》的成长历程,分享《现代焊接》成长的喜悦。于是,大家纷纷拿起手中抒发胸臆情感之笔,以“我与《现代焊接》”为主题,写下自己与《现代焊接》的故事,写下对《现代焊接》的感言和看法,或为杂志未来的发展献计献策…… “Ten years of rainy roads, cast welding soul ”. Since its founding in 2000, Modern Welder has had a decade of ups and downs. With her strong contacts in the industry, she touches on the pulse of the industry. She is the leader of “leading the industry and achieving outstanding modern enterprise” Proceeding to this day, during which the events, stories, changes ... carrying the heart of the welding man’s boxing. In 2010, “Modern Welding” ushered in the 10th birthday. Ten years of growth, thank you for your care and support! On the 10th birthday, we invite all readers and all welding workers to witness the growth of “modern welding” and share the joy of “modern welding” growth. As a result, everyone took up his hand to express his feelings and thought of “modern welding.” He wrote his story about “modern welding” and wrote down his comments and opinions on “modern welding” Or for the future development of the magazine offer advice and suggestions ...
目的 调查分析2015—2019年云南地区HIV感染者/ADIS患者合并感染病原微生物的分布特征.方法 对2015年1月至2019年12月昆明市第三人民医院感染一科收治的2824例HIV感染者/ADIS
文章对美术课程的评价基本要素即评价目的、评价主体、评价对象、评价时空观、评价种类、评价反馈、评价机制等进行了深入探讨,旨在为美术教育教学改革提供有益的参考。 In
  In November,1992,the Ministry of Finance issued the first accounting standards for business enterprises,the guidelines first look on conservatism as one of
  Existing studies show that corporate social capital could not only enable a firm to gain access to heterogeneous information and resources,but also facilita
其实写这篇文章,是在采访邓志祥一段时间之后了,但是看到当时采访时,笔记本上记下的简短的文字,还是能清晰地记起当时邓志祥说话的神态、语速、语气以及他精辟的观点。 In f